Tag: Job News ( 101 posts found )

Increasing Demand for Teachers in Nepalese Job Market

Teaching, often considered as a prestigious as well as comparatively easy job, has been gaining much importance in Nepal today. Because of the various tan… Read more

41.18% of Job Seekers Submit Resume While Applying for Jobs

merojob conducted a live poll on Facebook to identify which document, Bio-data, CV or Resume, while applying for jobs. The survey was conducted among 3,50… Read more

'I want one million young girls & women coders by 2030, and I am already into it.' – Marieme Jamme

meroJob.com in partnership with Childreach Nepal organized an event “Nepal: Where Tale… Read more

500 Engineers Required for UNOPS Project

Real Solutions announces job vacancy for 500 engineers for a project by United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). The project focuses on for col… Read more

Only 16 Percent Job Seekers Value Monthly Salary

This survey reflects the job search behavior of job seekers today. The priority of job seekers has drastically changed from monthly income to job that sui… Read more

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