Our server is of the industry standard, and is powered by the most comprehensive software available today for secure e-commerce transactions. merojob.com takes your privacy seriously. Please read the following to learn more on our privacy policy: |
» | This Privacy Policy covers all your personal and identifiable information that we collect from you. When you register with merojob.com, we ask for your name, email, street address and phone number. Once you register with us and sign-in to our services, your information is held confidential. |
» | merojob.com also automatically receives and records information on our server, logs from your browser including your IP address and the page you requested. merojob.com will not sell your personal and identifiable information. |
» | By the very nature of its operations, merojob.com establishes, maintains, and operates a number of business links with a number of Sponsors, to whom it sells both of its products and services. |
» | merojob.com deems its policy in this regard to be made clear. Users of our service should be made well aware of the risks that are inherent not with us but on the Internet in general, which comes as a result of using these links. merojob.com absolutely has NO CONTROL over what others may do with your information. Consequently, merojob.com must necessarily decline any or all responsibilities in the event that your private information is violated by others. If you do not agree with this policy, you should not use the links which appear on our website. |
» | merojob.com offers you the choice to edit your Account Information and preferences at any time, including your shopping cart info. |
» | merojob.com account information is password-protected for your privacy and security. |
» | Children should get prior permission from their parents to send any information about themselves (such as their names, email addresses, and phone numbers) over the Internet, to us or to anyone else. We would not accept the personal and identifiable information of anyone under 14 to the best of our knowledge. |