Real Solutions Facilitated Induction for 43 Trainees in UN

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On behalf of United Nations in Nepal, Real Solutions Pvt Ltd on November 2018 had invited eligible university graduates belonging to socially excluded groups, person with disabilities and LGBTIQ for the Traineeship Programme. Out of the 1200 application, 43 selected for the Cohort VII participated in the Induction which was organized on 18th Jan, 2019 with the purpose to give the trainee an introduction to the work environment, practices, ethics, and culture of the UN system in Nepal as well as globally.

The ceremony started with the introduction of mentor-trainee later followed by the interaction session between them. In the welcome remark, Ms. Velerie Julliand, Resident Representative, UN Nepal addressed that – Social inclusion in the society is an opportunity and so is the traineeship for the sustainable development. She further added UN traineeship is win-win situations for everyone and each individual has to embrace its values where tradition and culture is not an excuse for any discriminations. On her note to the trainees she said “UN traineeship is the chance which you deserve like everyone else because it’s your right although you are from the disadvantage group or little privilege.” Highlighting the diversity of Nepal Ms. Julliand said that, it’s on 2018 for the first time in the history of UN in Nepal, the Executive Board of the Secretary General was 50-50 men and women.

Since the generation does not have handful of experience; they don’t have the job and the 11 month on the job training program is design to benefit youngster of disadvantage group said Mr. Richard Howard, Head ILO, Chair, OMT.  He added, “For the Country team in Nepal, UN Traineeship is extremely important as it the component that covers the agenda of Social Inclusion.” UN Traineeship Programme designed in 2010 have successfully graduated 173 trainees in the past six cohorts where 75% of them are engaged in respectful work.

Mr. Amit Kumar Badi, representing the trainees selected for cohort VII shared that Traineeship is an opportunity to encash academic qualification with professionalism while learning in the UN system.  Similarly Ms. Insha Pun said, “With the practical and invaluable mentorship at UN and my sincerity and dedication - I wish to implement all my learning to be an impactful public health contributor in the near future. ‘’ The trainees were also thankful to Real Solutions for providing them with basic excel and communication training prior to the induction.

For the Cohort VII we have more than 45 mentors and as mentoring takes times, they have the huge responsibility said Ms. Rina Chhetri, HR from UNDP. Sharing the glimpses the Cohort VI, Mr. Shailendra Raj Giri suggested the mentors, “To help and support trainees to manage their learning in order to maximize their potential, develop their skill, improve their performance and become the person they want to be.” Further he elaborated role of mentors from recruitment, induction, deployment, evaluation to graduation.

Mr. Ragindra Man Rajbhandari addressed that UN in Nepal has not been able to provide opportunity for the visually impaired people due to lack of infrastructure.

Acknowledging on behalf of UN organization, Ms Rina Chhetri said hopefully the infrastructure will not be an issues for the differently abled people in the upcoming years while hiring the talents for UN. Finally after sharing on code of conduct and core values of UN with the trainees she concluded the ceremony. 

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