Promoting Inclusive Workforce through Skill Enhancement Training for People with Disabilities

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Career Development Training for people with disabilities is being organized and conducted from February 2, 2017 with an aim to prepare & empower people with disabilities for job market within Nepal. Realizing the employment gap for people with disabilities, the one month training has been conducted to fulfill this gap by preparing both the employers and people with disabilities for Nepalese job market. 

While getting appropriate jobs has always been a challenge for everyone, this remains a greater challenge for people with disabilities. According to Nepal Disabled Human Rights Center, 1.94% of total population has some kind of disabilities. 

Lack of preparedness before entering the job market being one of the major factors hampering job search process, this training will focus on highlighting the prerequisites in any job search process.  Not just preparedness, jobseekers in Nepal lack the required awareness, motivation, skill need identification, etc, that are very vital in pre and post job search process. The scenario is more persistent in case of people with disabilities.

In this light, Career Development Program for People with Disabilities has been started where about 25 participants selected through intensive recruitment & selection process are going through various career related training programs. Of 25 participants, 13 of them have some kind of physical disability, 4 have visual impairment, 3 have hearing impairment and the remaining 5 have low vision. Majority of participants are pursuing their bachelors and masters degree and the others have completed their Intermediate level. 

The participants are being provided various job preparation & skill development trainings in areas like written & verbal communication, resume & cover letter writing, skill identification, basics of interview, and many more. 

Preparing this workforce emotionally as well as intellectually will not only allow them to learn about the current job market scenario in Nepal, but also prepare them to exhibit their capabilities to sustain their future both economically & socially. 

The training program will be followed by profile development of each participants & interaction between people with disabilities and the HR professionals from various industries within the country. The program will also stress on the fact that intellectual capability is equally important as physical ability while performing any task. Having a physical disability does not limit his/her ability to perform tasks that require intellectual ability effectively. 

Hiring people with disabilities also results in low financial losses arising from frequent employee turnover as they tend to give their best in the job & excel in that very job rather than shifting to a new one. 

With the proven fact that people from this group are not only equally competent as the rest, but stay longer in an organization compared to those without disability, HR professionals of various organizations from different sectors will be encouraged to hire people with disabilities and promote inclusive workforce and equal employment opportunities.

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