Increasing Demand for Teachers in Nepalese Job Market

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Teaching, often considered as a prestigious as well as comparatively easy job, has been gaining much importance in Nepal today. Because of the various tangible & intangible benefits provided by this profession, many professional also consider it for part time jobs. 

But, establishing your career in teaching requires much more than just knowledge about the subject matter. Being a teacher is something that you have to have a passion for. Just like any other jobs, this profession also has its own pros and cons. 

A study conducted by UNESCO revealed various reasons why people, especially women, are so attracted toward teaching profession in Nepal? Long holidays, need to stay close to home, job security, opportunity that teaching provided maintain a healthy work-life balance, short working hours were some of the factors teachers considered when they decided to take into teaching profession. While some revealed that they had natural inclination to become a teacher. While, a number of women were attracted to teaching because they believed that this profession offered a sense of freedom and independence. 

Teaching profession indeed provides these perks with a good earning. Have you ever considered entering into teaching profession or establishing your career into teaching? If yes, it is very important to weigh the pros and cons in this profession before making up your mind. With the changing education system in Nepal, education institutions, especially school level and +2 colleges are facing various challenges. The idea of dropping the long rooted SLC system has presented a major challenge in the education sector of Nepal. 

It is seen that most of the teachers in +2 colleges work as part-time teacher and make enough money by teaching in multiple colleges. With the elimination of SLC system, there is a challenge for schools to make provisions for +2 colleges and institutions running +2 colleges are heading towards establishing schools so that the students can continue their classes in the same institution. This has also resulted in the need to merge various school and colleges. 

Now, this will call for the need of full time teachers rather than part time teachers. This situations itself has its own pros and cons. While teachers will be able to earn more by working full time in the same institution, they will have to bear the loss of work hour flexibility. This shows that the demand of full time teachers will increase in the long run creating job opportunities in teaching profession in Nepal.   

If we look at the data of demand for teachers in the year 2016, we can see that approximately 2500 vacancies for teachers were announced through merojob. And, the number is seen to be increasing rapidly.

What more can you ask from a profession that pays you well, provides long holidays, work-life balance along with prestige in the society? If you are interested in establishing your career as a teacher, find recent vacancies for teaching jobs in Nepal here.

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