Prioritizing the well-being of the workers is a crucial concern for any organization as well as for the Government. Recently, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security in Nepal issued a notice to establish good labor relations by creating a safe and harmonious working environment for workers across various industries, businesses, and services.
This initiative intends to ensure the well-being of workers and uphold their rights within establishments that employ 500 or more workers. It's an excellent example for other companies too. It's like a way to make work better and safer for everyone.
To nurture strong labor relations and cultivate an atmosphere of security and respect between workers and employers, an initiative led by the Nepal Government is gaining attention.
This strategy signifies the government's dedication to creating an environment where workers' rights are valued.
To facilitate seamless communication, the Ministry provides contact information, including a designated mobile number: 9851350451. This number is easily accessible through widely used social platforms like Viber, WhatsApp, and Twitter, allowing them to access valuable insights. The authorities have requested insights including essential details such as establishment names and addresses.
This announcement is for everyone concerned, showing a move toward better relationships between workers and their employers, making a better future for all workers in the country. This project shows the government's dedication to establishing a work environment that is both safe and empowered.
The Ministry's notice has requested the organizations to provide information on the following points.

Key Points of Concern:
1. Were employees hired with proper employment agreements, as stated in Section 11 of the Labor Act, 2074?
- As per Labor Act 2017, executing an employment agreement is mandatory and no employer can employ a person without a valid employment agreement.

2. Is there a problem with not following the minimum wage rules?
- The government of Nepal has set the minimum monthly salary for the employees at Rs 15,000.

3. Did any establishments use labor without getting the necessary license, as per Sections 58 and 59 of the Labor Act, 2074, especially those using labor from specific suppliers?
- As per Labor Act 2017, the main employer should obtain laborers from a licensed labor supplier.

4. Were there any instances where workers were hired through suppliers for essential roles that should have been filled by regular employees?
5. Was child labor used in any of these establishments?
6. Has the information required by Section 4 of the Bonus Act, 2030 been given to the labor and employment office, including the financial statement and the money meant for the national welfare fund?
- According to the Bonus Act, 2030 (1974), the management of each enterprise shall prepare the balance sheet and the statement of profit and loss of such enterprise pursuant to the Company Act, 2063 (2006) and submit it to the Labour Office within six months of the completion of the fiscal year.

7. Have the establishments enrolled in the contributory social security fund been contributing as required?
- Chapter 10 of the Labor Act, 2074 says that the employer shall deposit the amount in the Social Security Fund in the name of the concerned labor, with effect from the date on which he or she started to work.

8. Are foreign nationals working without the needed work permit?
- As per the Labor Act 2017 (2074); employers cannot employ any foreign citizens as employees without obtaining a work permit from the Department of Labor.

By acknowledging concerns and inviting collaboration, the Ministry sets the stage for a work environment that values human dignity, champions rights, and encourages prosperity.
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