'I want one million young girls & women coders by 2030, and I am already into it.' – Marieme Jamme

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meroJob.com in partnership with Childreach Nepal organized an event “Nepal: Where Talent & Technology Collides” with Ms. Marieme Jamme & Dr. Tshering Lama as key speakers at DECC, UWTC, Tripureswor. IT enthusiasts from various fields participated in the">
merojob in partnership with Childreach Nepal organized an event “Nepal: Where Talent & Technology Collides” with Ms. Marieme Jamme & Dr. Tshering Lama as key speakers at DECC, UWTC, Tripureswor. IT enthusiasts from various fields participated in the program. 

Acknowledging her contribution towards girls and world economy through technology, merojob organized the event so that girls in technology could benefit from what she shared at the event. 

Marieme Jamme, the first women Tech Innovation Network supporting young women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math’s (STEM), believes that one day she can empower women around the world through technology. Throughout the session, she talked about how technology can bring about changes for socio-economic development of any country. 

Similarly, Mr. Tshering Lama, Country Director for Nepal at Childreach International, also talked on how youths of Nepal can contribute to its economic development. Utilizing the access to modern technologies and internet, Nepalese youths can unveil their potential. 

Ms. Jamme also interacted with the participant and answered their queries regarding scope and opportunities for IT graduates and jobseekers. “Everyone should focus on developing and improving their intellectual knowledge“, says Ms. Jamme. Being intellectually lazy will not lead you anywhere, she added. 

Through her project #iamthecode, she is aiming at supporting girls discovers their own identity and fingerprint through learning how to code and creative learning. #iamtheCODE will harness a proven methodology to work with governments, business and investors to support young women break the code, find work and become digital leaders. “I want Nepali girls to discover and unlock their potential in the IT sector” says Jamme. By 2030, I want to see million Nepalese learn how to code. 

This itself shows the scope and opportunities in IT sector especially for girls in Nepal and all around the world. Ms. Jamme also emphasized on the concept ”Made in Nepal”. Being born in Nepal gives you the privilege to learn and work for Nepal. All you need to do is believe in yourself. Then only your skills will lead you to where you want to be, says Jamme. 

Adopting to the changes and adopting the technology is the key to success. Your talent and drive to learn and succeed will definitely help you unlock your potential and ultimately succeed.

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