Characteristics of Effective Job Seekers

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While searching for jobs, one needs to go through a series of process ranging from developing a resume, looking for relevant jobs to preparing for interviews. These are generally the factors that show the characteristics of effective job seekers. There’s one category of job seekers who knows what needs to be done and follows the process accordingly, while their are some, who only focus on getting the job regardless of the processes. 

If asked, how would you define yourself as a job seeker?One who looks for job patiently by analyzing all the factors or as a one who applies for random jobs just looking at the job position & company name? 

Let’s see what characteristics are present in highly effective job seekers. 

Patience is a very important factor in the job search. One of the major characteristics that an effective job seeker possesses is patience. They are the ones who take time in understanding what they want and where they’ll fit. Their patience allows them to conduct their job hunt analytically & thoroughly. They are NOT in a hurry to get any job and start working. 

Well Organized 
Staying organized is very important in personal as well as professional life. Same is in case of job search. Organized job seekers are the ones who can very well use the best job search practices. Being organized, he/she will follow up on applications, research and keep detailed notes on the companies they apply to, and will know the status of every single application they send out. 

Online job search portals like merojob allow you to keep track of the applications, see jobs in which you are shortlisted, etc. 

Follows Schedule 
Highly effective job seekers know exactly when and how to start a job search. Because of this, they are able to develop a job search schedule that works best for them and follow it. Allocating certain time in a day for job search allows you to dedicate time specifically dedicated to job seeking. Having distractions around can result in mistakes like sending wrong cover letters, typo errors, etc. 

Conducts Research 
While hunting for jobs, you need to research on various factors like the industry you are interested in, the company you are applying for, competitive salary range, writing letters, etc. Highly effective job seekers spend time looking up the companies, their social Media profiles, etc. Before applying for a job in that company. They use the information they derive to decide whether or not the company is a good fit for them.

Extroverts in Nature 
You have to become extrovert in your job search process. Job search is not just about searching and applying for jobs. It requires more activities like networking, developing PR with the people in the industry, etc. Effective job seekers know how to start conversations and nurture their relationships. They engage themselves in professional associations, Meetups, and online communities are important to any professional, whether they are seeking for jobs or not. Proactive Being proactive is important because it allows you to be more effective in finding good opportunities and capturing them quickly. Highly effective job seekers know that there might come up a situation when they might have to switch their jobs. For this reason they analyze all the problems or opportunities that may come up in the future and work accordingly. 

Having identifies the characteristics of highly effective job seekers, now it’s your turn to decide if you want to be one of them. 

Get more job search tips here.

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