12 tips for creating a better merojob profile that will get you noticed by employers.

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What are the most important tools for a jobseeker? A good career profile and jobs to apply for so that the employer can locate the candidates. But what about the platform that combines them? merojob allows jobseekers to share their experience, skills and qualifications with recruiters and discover the ample job opportunities available for application. 

Here are 12 must-do for a better merojob profile for jobseekers from creating a profile that will help you land a job, manage your career, or get noticed by the recruiters to establishing yourself as an expert in your field. 

Start updating your profile

Go to https://merojob.com/jobseeker/profile/job-preference/ and click on the edit profile icon on the top right. This will take you to the page where you can edit your profile and fill in all the necessary information.

Fill out your profile thoroughly

It is essential to fill out your merojob profile thoroughly. The reason for it is that the most filled-out profiles lead to higher chances of getting shortlisted. You might be the most qualified professional in your field, but if your profile isn’t thoroughly filled recruiters might not approach you. So make sure to check out and fill in all the profile sections. We will walk you through exactly how to do that and guide you to completing your profile in merojob. 

Fill in the relevant job preference

The job preference section allows you to give details of the job you are interested in. It is basically choosing the job of your choice.

  1. Career Objective Summary: Your career objective summary is a highlight for the recruiters to look into your professional life. So experienced people should clearly highlight their achievements and freshers should showcase specific aspirations and enthusiasm. Be sure to add key skills with relevant keywords. 

  2. Job categories: Choose your preferred job categories. You can select more than one category if you are open to options. However, don’t put in categories that you are unqualified for, as this will only be time-wasting and excessively long.  

  3. Looking for: Select the level at which you want to enter an organization. If you are a beginner go for entry-level, if you have years of experience go for mid-level and so on.

  4. Available for: Specify your availability on the basis of the time you can contribute. 

  5. Specialization: Choose the area of focus that you have undertaken. 

  6. Expected salary: Mention your salary expectations, make sure the salary is reasonable so as not to turn off the recruiters. You can always negotiate your salary in a job interview.

  7. Job Preference Location: A lot of companies these days have offices across multiple locations. All of them are constantly looking for candidates willing to relocate. So it is important that you clearly mention your preferred work location.

Pick the right display profile picture and add the basic information about yourself

It is important to have a display picture as recruiters are more likely to approach you. The key to uploading the right picture is to aim to look professional rather than friendly. Just make sure you look neat and clean, not goofy or too stern. 

In the basic information, choose the right information about yourself for example in the full name segment make sure you enter your legal name, not any nickname or social media username. After that specify your gender and move on to fill in your valid Date of Birth. Mention your married status and religion. Next, you will see a small tick box that asks you to tick and mention if you have any disability. Furthermore, remember to fill in your nationality, contact number, current and permanent address. 

Nail the education section

Education is an essential asset to jobseekers, especially those who are making their first step into the job market. When it comes to filling out educational information, it is best to fill out everything including your degree, name of the institute as well as the marks obtained and all the education you have obtained to date. If you are currently studying then tick the currently studying box.

Include your trainings

If you have training that is highly relevant for your role or the desired position, you should include them on your merojob profile. To do this, go to your profile to the training section, hit “add training,” and start filing the details like the name of the training, institute name and the duration.

Optimize your achievements

Arguably your work achievements matter a lot and are the most important part of the profile you should not ignore. After all your experience and accomplishments are the factors that determine whether you are qualified for a job or not. For each position include the work responsibilities, organization name, nature of the organization, job locations, job title, job category, job level and duration. Use keywords specific to your abilities, skills, expertise, and values. If you do content writing some relevant keywords you can include are blogging, copywriting, creative writing, etc. 

Add up language

Listing your language skills on your profile can help make it more noticeable to recruiters. So, add all the languages you know and rate them in terms of how fluent you are in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Include Social account

You can include more than one social media, click on add social account to add more. Give your account name, URL and save it. You could add accounts like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Remember to remove any inappropriate contents that may put your job at risk.

Get some references from professionals

Think of all the people in your professional crowd you’re close to and have had positive interactions with. There are several options for who you could list as a professional reference, however the best person to get reference is from someone who holds a high position and never from your family members. Recommendations add proof to your profile, it shows that your coworkers and peers think highly of your skills.

Other information

Few questions related to whether you would willing to travel for your work are asked in this section. To which you can simply select yes or no to provide the answers. 

Keep updating your profile

You never know when a great career opportunity will knock on your door! So keep your merojob profile updated from time to time. This will ensure your readiness for whatever comes your way! Highlight your new achievements and keep the information up to date. 

At this point, you know all the essential merojob profile tips to create a killer profile. Now, all you need to do is implement all these steps, apply for jobs, and wait for those job offers to start rolling in.  

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