DRPI AWARE recognized for Innovative Practice 2017

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Among 260 innovative solutions concerning Employment, Work and Vocational Education and Training nominated by the Zero Project from around the world, DRPI Aware has been selected as one of the most outstanding projects. The Zero Project selects innovative Practices that improve the lives of persons with disabilities and supports the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.   

Out of 260 innovative solutions, 56 innovative Practices and 11 Policies have been selected as the most outstanding ones. DRPI Aware has been recognized for supporting job seekers with disabilities to search for jobs that complement their educational background, and reflect the transferable skills they have acquired throughout their lives.   

Operated & conducted with financial support of the Government of Canada provided through Global Affairs Canada; and York University, the DRPI AWARE Project is a collaborative five-year project that is altering the perspective on employment of persons with disabilities in Hyderabad (India), Dhaka (Bangladesh) and Kathmandu (Nepal).   

DRPI AWARE attempts to shifts the focus from supply to demand by focusing on job skill identification and identification of jobs. In cooperation with the DPOs, the project works with the employers to recognize the skills of workers that fit the workplace skill needs identified by the employers, instead of disabilities and limitations.  

Among various initiations being run by DRPI AWARE in various countries, it has been conducting “Career Development Training for people with disabilities” in Nepal in collaboration with merojob. With the objective to promote inclusive workforce through skill enhancement training for people with disabilities, this one-month long training program aims to prepare & empower people with disabilities for job market within Nepal by preparing both the employers and people with disabilities for Nepalese job market. 

While AWARE is a collaborative five-year project that will focus on three sectors, i.e. hospitality, food processing and entrepreneurship or self-employment, the Zero Project is run in partnership with the World Future Council since 2011 and with the European Foundation Centre since 2013. In addition, we have set up partnerships with the most important stakeholders.

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