Top 5 HR Mistakes Companies Make

Category: HR Insider | Date: | Total Views: 2961

Human Resource (HR) is one of the most important departments of your business or organization. However, it's easy to ignore the human resources side of your business when things are flowing smoothly. After all, there are other more problems to handle as well. 

Basically, being pro-active in the area of HR, recognizing and correcting HR mistakes before they become serious problems can save you countless headaches and protect your business against costly legal claims. Since we are human and we all make mistakes as well, but mistakes within an HR department can be devastating and may cause you some serious troubles. 

So, here are some top 5 HR mistakes companies make. 

Outdated Employee Handbook
Employee handbook is a very significant part of HR department because it helps educate your employees on expected workplace behavior and how key company processes work. Not only that, but it's also a great place to articulate your company's vision and culture, to make sure everybody is working towards the same goal. 

Every business, no matter how small or large, should have an up-to-date employee handbook. However, some companies fail to update the handbook and the employees become careless in signing the acknowledgement stating that they received the publication. 

Inappropriate Job Description
Job descriptions are an essential managerial tool. They allow managers to judge employee performance and provide influencing facts during counseling or training sessions. However, inappropriate job description is one of the mistakes that happen all the time in most companies. 

If the HR department advertises for a position, they must be careful to make the job description specific and relevant to the advertised post. Otherwise, people who apply will not understand what their role is and what they have to do if they get hired. Then, you end up hiring candidates with skills that don't match the position & your business will suffer. 

Quick Hiring and Promotions
When the company is running out of time then it's obvious that the hiring process will speed up. During this procedure, the company may suffer from unwanted and time consuming problems. Basically, hiring is not a simple and inexpensive process so quick hiring is not to be considered. 

Likewise, promotion occurs when the manager seems to see change in his/her employees and begins to trust them for full time work. Without proper training, promotion should not be given to any employees. 

Disregard for Training Sessions 
Taking time to train your employees is a valuable investment in the future of your business. By conducting specific training programs, your employees may become more fully engaged and understand how to use their skills to best benefit your company. 

However, this is what the companies seem to care less about. It is very important to note that different people come from different background, qualification and experience. Providing them with training programs will enhance their skill that are left to be polished and saves you a lot of time as well. 

Inadequate HR Policies
A policy handbook should be one of your first priorities once your business starts and grows at a good pace. The policy handbook should cover everything from sexual harassment to employee dress code etc. 

However, some companies become careless about the policy whether the policy is clearly written or not. Then, the problems starts when the employees will start complaining about their dissatisfaction over some policy and disasters will happen. 

So, these are some common HR mistakes done by the companies today. We hope you like this content. If in case, you want to share your views or ideas then feel free to comment down below. For more tips on training and education, click here.

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