Why Should you Update your merojob Profile

Category: Training and Education | Date: | Total Views: 8915

How often do you update your merojob profile? In three months, six months, or never? Updating your profile is as important as creating your jobseeker profile at merojob.

Creating your profile in a job search portal is indeed a tedious task. Unlike registering your profile on Facebook with very few required details, you need to enter various details from personal information to work experiences while registering your profile in a job search site. 

Taking about my personal experience, it took me about 40 to 45 minutes each while creating my profile in various job search sites. With systems being easier and registration processes being simplified, we can register our profile within few seconds in various sites. 

But this is not the case with registering your profile at job search sites. With the fact that registration process being tedious task, it also gives you with a benefit to apply for jobs just with one click.  You can apply for all the relevant jobs that match your profile in seconds. 

But, just creating an account & applying for jobs is not the end. Do you ever update your profile in a timely manner? Here are the reasons why you should update your jobseekers profile at merojob: 

Your Information Changes with Time
Your educational level, work experience, contact number, etc. does not remain the same forever.  For example, If you’ve created a profile when you just completed your Bachelors Degree, this might change to Masters Degree or some other degree, say, after say 2 -3 years. 

Now, if you’ve not updated your qualification level in your profile, employers or hiring managers see you as someone with a Bachelors Degree and may not shortlist you for a position requiring a Masters degree. Same might be the case with your work experience, contact details, current address, etc. 

Hiring Managers are Viewing Your Profile
Hiring managers from merojob.com and many other companies view candidates profile for their employee needs. They search for and filter candidates that meet their requirements and can schedule an interview with the shortlisted ones. 

Executive Search Service at merojob specializes in filtering candidates from merojob database and contacts them for jobs relevant to their profile. Thus, updating your profile highlights you and makes your profile stand out from the rest. 

Makes your Profile Easily Searchable
When employers or hiring managers search for candidates, they search according to criteria such as work experience, qualification level, current address, etc. For example, if a hiring manager is looking for candidates with at least 3 years of experience, they can filter the candidates accordingly. Now, if you have 3 years of work experience but have mentioned only 2 years of experience in your profile, your profile will not be listed. 

This calls for a need to update your profile so that it is easily searchable by the employers. 

Saves You from Last Minute Hassle
Most of us have the habit of doing this at the last minute, especially in case of applying for jobs. If you keep your profile updated in a timely manner, it will save you from doing all things at the last moment. Also, we tend to forget details when we do things in hurry. Missing out important details in you profile will decrease your chances of being selected for the job.   

Represents Your Personal Brand
When employers or hiring managers look at your profile, they want to find out more about you. It will show who you are, what your strengths, career objectives are, your area of expertise, etc.  These details will let them know if you are the right fit for their organization. 

If you have not updated your merojob profile, click here to update it now.

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