Why Is Finding the Perfect Candidate So Difficult?

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During the recruitment process, many companies face difficulties to find the candidates that fit the job requirements. This highlights a common challenge in Nepal's job market.


This scenario highlights a growing issue in Nepal's job market, where employers struggle to find qualified talent that meets their specific requirements, leaving both sides searching for solutions. As the job market evolves, several factors contribute to this challenge. 


Here are five of them:

  • Skills mismatch: Many freshers enter the job market without the practical skills that employers seek. The education system emphasizes theoretical knowledge over hands-on experience, leaving many job seekers under-prepared for the demands of their roles.


  • High expectations from employers: Employers also contribute to the challenge by setting high expectations. Many companies look for candidates with high experience and specific qualifications, which significantly narrows the applicant pool. 


  • Limited job awareness: Many people don’t know about job opportunities or the qualifications needed for certain roles, often due to a lack of career guidance and underused job portals. Moreover, when companies share job openings on social media, they usually only reach their followers, leaving deserving candidates unaware of these opportunities.


  • Ineffective recruitment practices: Vacancies with vague Job Descriptions and lengthy hiring processes further complicate the process. In addition, underutilization of job portals like Merojob, having a good outreach results in employers failing to reach targeted job seekers.


  • Remote work competition: Nowadays, local companies have to compete with international culture, which offers remote positions. This is further limiting the pool of talented candidates making it harder to attract qualified candidates who prefer flexibility over physical presence. 


To address these challenges, employers can implement several effective strategies. They can be:

  • A clear and concise job description can help ensure that applicants understand what is truly necessary.
  • Actively communicate with job seekers through job portals like Merojob, which have a robust pool of candidates. 
  • On-the-job training programs can significantly enhance the skills of employees.


Finding a qualified candidate is complicated by several factors. This needs to be addressed with better hiring policies. 

Posting jobs through job portals like Merojob can be beneficial to gain better candidates matching your specific needs. It provides better outreach to job seekers which increases the chances to get the best fit for the post. 

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