Recruitment is an investment, not an expense

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Recruiting the right talent is essential for the healthy business of any organization. There is a popular saying ‘your business is only as good as the employees’. This indicates no matter how strong of a vision the founder has, skilled employees are the building block of a company. From the support staff to the senior officials, employees are the backbone of your company.


Recruiting a deserving person at the company can be a difficult and time-consuming task however having to deal with a poor-performing one is much worse. Hence, hiring the wrong person can cost more than just money.

Here are 6 reasons why companies should invest in recruitment:


Worth the investment to find the right fit


Recruitment is not just about finding a person to fill a vacant seat. It is about finding the right person for every job position. This means identifying someone who is not only skilled and experienced for the job but also someone who is the right fit for your company culture. However, finding a good match does not happen in a blink of an eye. To find deserving candidates, a specialized medium must be used to make job seekers aware of the job opportunities.

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Increase the speed of new hires


Not only will the company be able to onboard new talent to fill up the position quicker, but the company will also be able to save time while waiting for the right candidate to come along. Time is a commodity that can never be recovered; in the business world, time is money. So, activities that reduce the amount of time it takes to introduce recruits are good for the company.

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Reduction in nepotism or favoritism


It is possible that the company is not served well when a family member is hired for a vacant role or naturally elevated to a position of power. If there is someone who could do a better job and improve the company, nepotism can slow down the growth process. The worst is when the family member is incompetent at his job but continues to hold the position due to a blood relationship. 

Hence, it would be better for the company to have an abundance of applicants so as to reduce nepotism and find suitable talent for the position. Investing in a hiring process will bring in a high number of qualified candidates that fits the job requirements and reduce nepotism.


Create attractive opportunities for candidates


Investing in professional recruiting helps to make you consider your employee's opinion. Job seekers are interested in the work life and benefits the company has to offer.  This will urge companies to create an appealing job description to allure the right talent. Crafting attractive benefits packages with competitive compensation that is desirable makes new as well as existing employees happy.

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Leverage technology and data


The recruitment process can be lengthy process. It includes steps like posting a job, shortlisting the candidates, and many more. Recruiting platforms have access to software and tools that companies may not have access to. With the help of these technologies, recruiters can easily manage the complicated process of hiring the right talent. So, it is more cost-effective for the companies to use their services with a higher probability of best hiring results.  

Improve brand reputation


Working with highly trusted recruiters gets your company in front of more people and they will get to know who you are. This could lead to higher sales and greater awareness of your business. A strong hiring process with quick responses and transparency about the company will create better sentiments towards your company.

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While newspaper job postings still exist, the internet is quicker, easily accessible 24 hours a day, and much more cost-effective. Be it night or day, job seekers can access the portal anytime, unlike newspaper job postings that may be missed out on. Hence, a professional portal is much more impactful, economical, and leads to faster results.

A specialized job portal like merojob with a database of talents from all 7 provinces, has been helping thousands of employers promote their company brand and find the right fit for their company. merojob has been a highly trusted and preferred brand for recruiters. Here are a few words from our valued clients.


“For the past 5+ years, merojob has allowed us to streamline the management of job applications received and has significantly simplified our recruitment process.”

- Ms. Pooja Khadka

HR admin Manager of Foodmandu


“We have been using the merojob database and services from day one and we find the service to be hassle-free, cost-effective and hence it is a great boon to the recruiters.”

 - Mr. Sailesh Lohani

Founder of Megatech Group

“merojob being the top job portal in Nepal, it allows us to reach quality candidates all over the country and we don't have to waste our time going through irrelevant applications.”

- Ms. Maya Thapa

Recruitment Specialist | HLE Nepal

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