Networking Tips: How to Establish Reference

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Reference is an action of referring some people to another for information. It is the name of the people who can verify your credibility and the information you have written in your resume. Possible references can be former coworkers, teachers, professors, previous employers and so on. References are usually contacts that are used by the employers in the last stages of the job selection process. Reference checks are carried out after the candidate has attended the interview. 

You must know your references well and have good connection with them. Also, be sure that they can give good response about you to the required people. You should also let your reference know that you have mentioned them as your referee. This way, they can be prepared if there is any call by the employer. 

Reference is very much important especially if you are searching for a job. It also helps the employers to know more about you and your credibility in work. Since references play a major role in your job search, it is very important to develop relationship with them. Below are some tips to establish reference: 

Work On What You Have
Your references for job matters more in quality than quantity. You should provide the reference of the ones who can reach back to you at the time you want. They must have seen your work ethic and skills at the best. 

Sending random reference can have negative impact on your career. Think about your former superiors, bosses, or colleagues. Have good communication with all your reference. If you have worked in any organization or volunteered for couple of times, it could also be used as reference.                                   

Use Social Media
Social media is a very great tool to connect with people of many industries. You can add former supervisors, managers or coworkers it will help you stay connected with you. LinkedIn is very much useful for maintaining good relationship with professional colleagues. Even get connected with those industries which you would like to work in. 

Always keep up-to-date with all their post and even don’t hesitate to provide feedbacks.  Those activities will help you establish good bond with the people you have worked with.  

Prepare Your References
Always be in touch with the ones whom you are planning to use as a reference. You must always be sure that the reference is available for being a reference. Then, let them know that they can get a verification call from certain place you have applied in. 

Preparing your references will give them some time to think about you and your skills. They can get prepared on what they know you have within you to make you do the job. You can feel embarrassment if your reference didn’t provide relevant and positive things about you to the employers. 

Establish New References
You have adequate reference but it really doesn't mean that your reference will always be in touch with you. Those older reference that you have referred might be out of touch. This might put you in trouble. So, in order to avoid this circumstance, you must work on establishing  new references. 

You can use your recent bosses or co-workers as your reference.  Make an effort to establish good relation with your new colleagues.  Seek some volunteer work at your local surrounding, or any non-profit organizations.  

Ask for Help
Don’t try to be so much selective while choosing your reference or while building reference.  You never know you may need to talk to someone related to any industry. You may also think about career change. Therefore, connect with as much people as you can for further defense. 

Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Request people from your network to introduce you to others who aren't in your network currently. People will be happy to connect you to someone who can help.   

Reference these days while in the process of searching job is very much important.  However, if you are a fresher and don’t have any reference you must make sure to join any internship or camp to establish reference.  For more career tips visit us.

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