HR Department – A Business Partner to the Organization

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Success of any company greatly depends on the proper management of their human resources (HR). Effective management of employees involves correct balance between their goals and aspirations with those of the company. 58th HR Kurakani organized at Team Quest Pvt. Ltd. involved discussion on “Strategic Role of HR in Achieving Organizational Goals”. 

While the goal of organizations lies in making profits, gaining market share or gaining global recognition, the goal of HR is to make these things happen through employees. The basic idea for achieving organizational success lies in focusing on one core goal. This specific goal should then be aligned with individual departments to ensure clarity. 

Positive outcome of set goals can be achieved only if each member of every department is clear about what is expected from them and are provided with the tools to achieve them. Properly formulated job description should be provided by the HR department will ensure that employees are clear about their Key Result Areas (KRAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). 

For this, it is very crucial for HR to understand what each department does and proper knowledge of how they function. For the same, the HR department needs to work as a business partner with the organization to understand what the organization is doing and sense what is going on in the organization. 

Beside this, departmental meetings and performance reviews conducted in a regular manner lets the organization and HR identify where the individual, department and the organization as a whole is going. Corrective actions can be taken on time if the results are not derived as expected. In cases where job or results is not quantifiable, the organization needs to come up with a job evaluation measure. Having a Systematic Operating Procedure (SOP) can help in bringing quantifiable results. 

“Know Your Employees” is something that HR should primarily focus on. Knowing individual employees lets you understand what each employee values and what motivates them. Based on that information, HR can formulate strategies, training programs, etc. accordingly to get things done. 

Pro-activeness is one of the most essential skills an HR should possess. Throughout the life cycle of any organization, many employees join and leave the company. As a strategic planner, HR should be able to plan in advance the need for new employees and plan for succession of current employees. Having a succession plan is very important to ensure that the activities of the organization do not get disturbed when someone leaves the organization. 

The company should also take care of HR so that they can execute these tasks accordingly. Sometimes, the company gets so busy in identifying the needs of the employees; they forget to take care of the HR department. Like every department, HR department also need trainings for performing their tasks properly and to get updated with the changes in the HR tools & techniques. They should also participate in various HR related workshops and seminars so that they equipped with the required knowledge and skills. 

Proper coordination between the management, HR and employees definitely lead to the achieving of organizational goals. Beside every other factor, HR department in any organization has a very critical role in achievement of organizational goals. Equipped with required skills, technologies and training along with motivation, employees perform their best with maximum effectiveness & efficiency. 

 The write-up is based on ‘58th HR Kurakani’ discussion on “Strategic Role of HR in Achieving Organizational Goals” on February 22, 2017 conducted by Real Solutions Pvt. Ltd. at Team Quest, Kathmandu. The participants at the discussion included representative from INGOs, trading company, commercial banks, IT, consulting firms and hospitality industries.

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