How to find a job with no experience?

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Whether you just graduated or you’re looking for a career change and ready to try something total new: either way, you’re probably facing a major challenge for a job seeker – trying to land a job without experience.

Searching for a job without work experience can be frustrating, but remember that you're not alone. With some hard work, a lot of determination and self-confidence you can uncover the right opportunity. Here are some advice's for job seekers with little or no experience to get their foot in the door.

Look for internship opportunities

  • If you're struggling to secure a permanent position, internship can be a great way to gain the much-needed experience. Internship make it possible to acquire the first-hand knowledge of a job, helps in building a network of contacts and can sometimes lead to permanent employment opportunity.

Build your network

  • Building your professional network is the best tool and a reliable path to get a job at any stage of life. Build connection with everyone you know and in turn with everyone they know through professional networking sites. Find and connect with people who are involved in similar job you want to land.

Build a Strong Resume

  • When you are searching and applying for a job, your resume is the first contact that the potential employers have with you. Your goal here should be creating a great first impression - not by lying, but by putting your best foot forward by highlighting your relevant skills, strengths and achievements and showing people exactly what you can do.

Tailor your resume and application for every job

  • The key to making your application stand out among other applicants is to tailor it to the job description. Think about how your skills relates to the job you’re applying to and highlight what they are looking for in your resume. Tailoring your resume will take a longer time but you’ll get far more responses. Would you rather send 200 applications and get 1 response? Or send 10 applications and get 5 responses?

Next, get more career tips and find answers to  7 Common Job Interview Questions

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