How to Effectively Tailor Your Application for Specific Jobs

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A job application is a very crucial tool for getting a job call. The way write and present your details in the job application reflects your personality & interest for the position. If your application is all-purpose or common, it may lower your chances of your application being shortlisted. Gone are the days when one common application letter worked for every job position.  You must never take the chance by sending generic application which is generally dull and monotonous.  It really doesn’t matter how much well customized   you are, if your application is not well tailored, it will never make a good impact on the recruiters.  

These days employers want well managed and correctly formatted resume. You will just be wasting your time by sending same application for every type of industry you are applying for. The recruiter can get the difference of generic and well-tailored job application. Therefore, in order to stamp a good impression and to get your application noticed, you must work hard and never make a mistake to send a generic resume

Here are some ways to effectively tailor your application for specific jobs; 

Know the Job Requirement Properly 
If you don’t have the adequate knowledge of what the requirement of the job is, you can never tailor your job application. Read the given description of the job properly before taking any steps.  It doesn’t matter how sure you know what the company wants, but be sure to read the job descriptions before submitting your documents.  Sometimes, what happens is, we look for multiple jobs and end up mixing the job descriptions. This will surely create problems. 

Sometimes we learn about the job vacancy, but don’t find the job description. In this case, go to the web page of the company and try to find the position. Note down all the required details and send all the required documents.

List Appropriate Skills
There are many required skills listed in the vacancy posted by the company. List down the skills you have that matches with the required ones. The main purpose of adding skills to your resume is to show how much potential you have and how perfect you are for the candidate they are in search for. But, if you tend to add unrelated and matchless skills, then, it won’t help your job search. Employers won’t appreciate those things. 

Before sending your documents, see how your skills match, what the company is in search for because they pick you up in the basis of the skills listed in your application letter. Look at the job description and find out the most important skills and qualification that you have and the company wants and place it in the top of the resume. If the company wants technical skills, there is no use of keeping other unrelated skills rather than technical skills. 

List Experiences Thoroughly 
Experience is the most essential thing you need to mention in your application letter. The important thing a company wants in their candidate relates work experience. Writing down your experiences should not be as selective as you write your skills in your resume. Put your every experience you had had in your life. 

After reading the description thoroughly, make a list of your work experience. Don’t try to insert those experiences which sounds fancy and meets the job requirement, but you don’t possess them. List out work your experiences, trainings, volunteer works, extracurricular activities and so one by one. 

Align Your Future Goals
Most applicants neglect to focus on the future prospects and growth. Recruiters consider a future plan of the candidates just as important as one’s past experiences. In order to leave a lasting impression on the company, you need to align your future goals with the direction the business is going. 

Match your Information to the Job Description
Having completed the above given steps, now it’s time for you to examine and customize your job application by going through all the skills and experiences you have placed in your resume. You need to match all your information on the job description that the company has provided to you. Only include the relevant information you identify as a match. This will help you tailor your resume. 

If your resume doesn’t have the keywords and relevant information you will never be identified by the recruiters as the perfect match for the job. Get more career tips here.

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