Dashain: Bring meaning to your career

Category: Career Development | Date: | Total Views: 2539

As one of the biggest festivals in Nepal is around the corner, people are in a rush to go back to their hometown to celebrate Dashain with their families. This grand festival is celebrated for the victory of good over evil, which occurs when strength has overcome weaknesses. 

Celebrations occur when we keep enhancing our strengths and reducing our weaknesses. Whether it be gaining new expertise or new trails, it strengthens us as an individual and our career. This season of festival let’s acknowledge your achievements and celebrate the wins of your life. In Dashain, we buy new clothes and ornaments, but this particular Dashain apart from just buying new stuff, why don’t we focus on building new skills and knowledge? 

One big aspect of Dashain is getting blessings from the elders in the form of Dakshina and Tika. The practice of Dakshina brings the feeling of being rewarded and appreciated. It is encouraged by our elders to save the money little by little rather than spending it all together so that we can have a chunk of money later. The joy at the glimpse of all the money after saving it for a while is immense. The bundle of money in the future can be used to invest in building new skills, knowledge, and education. 

On the other hand, the immense joy of getting together with family, flying kites, playing games, and eating delicious food is truly heavenly. With family from all walks of life coming together, it is the best time to socialize and communicate with people you rarely get to meet. We all know how crucial effective networking is for career development. When the network is being fostered, ideas are traded and this may just lead to some best practices being enthroned in you. Dashain has a lot to offer and it is upon the individual to individual how they grab the opportunity.

Just like how goddess Durga was able to slay the demon Mahisasur, from terrorizing the earth from destruction. How have you been able to slay your inner demons holding you back? What new skills have you gained to foster your career? How do you think this festival can bring meaning to your career?

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