Career after Graduation | Fact or Fiction

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Career path is full of bumps and curves. It is not a direct path from point A to point B. We all grow up believing certain myths about our career. These faulty assumptions related to career and job opportunities prevent us from making positive changes. We carry the weight of our own "belief" we have gathered along our journey.

Here are the logical and realistic approaches towards career exploration to overcome the myths of grad job market.

  • My major or specialization is going to lead my career.

Hiring organization usually places more emphasis on your "employability skills" such as the abilities, attitudes and personalities than they do about your major or specialization. College majors aren't jobs, they are field of study. However, some degree program such as nursing or mechanical engineer have prescribed courses and are intended to prepare you for specific career tracks.

  • My college course trains me for job.

College course is not about job training. It can be theoretical and not in touch with reality. They only help you to develop aptitude and abilities. College is the middle man to the real world. In a world that is in constant flux, what matters more is having the skills to do the job, not a certificate that shows years you've spent studying a topic.

  • A university education with high GPA is all it takes to land a good job.

Doing a degree never has, and never will, guarantee you a job.  You'll need to work on your skill, apply yourself to get job. Along with academic qualification and GPA employer look for combination of leadership, experience in the field as well as the ability to get along with others. Many turn up their noses at job offers because of the sense that the job required helping stock shelves or travelling too much. Be realistic in your expectation.

  • I should choose an occupation based on my strongest skill.

Skills definitely matter a lot when deciding on what career to select. But just because you are good at something does not mean it is the only factor to be consider while making career decisions. It’s risky, because skills are just one of the component of self-evaluations; values, interests, work environment and earning potential are also equally important.

  • I will have only one career in my lifetime.

Career decision making is a process not an event. The big decision of your career requires time and exploration. You will probably re address your career plans several times in your lifetime. If you make a wrong turn, you are not stuck. You can change career paths at any time.

Many falsehoods distract us from great opportunities every day. It's time to stop the lies and start getting real. Don’t myths, half-truth, faulty assumption or lack of information derail your career.

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