6 Ways LinkedIn Endorsements Help in Job Search

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LinkedIn has become a useful tool for everyone, employed or unemployed. It is a massive database with the number of records which are essential to your job search plan and strategy. By now, you’ve probably noticed LinkedIn’s newest feature — the numerous endorsements (also called LinkedIn recommendations). It’s the ability to endorse other users for their skills and receive those endorsements for yourself. 

LinkedIn is where companies want to be when they are hiring new people. Endorsements make sense because there are many users on LinkedIn. Also, recruiters don’t have much time to go through all of those accounts so they look for people who have the most endorsements for relevant skills. These endorsements are extremely valuable because the more you have, the higher your profile will rank for each skill.  

The specific skills included in the endorsements section can help employers and recruiters find you more easily when a search is conducted for specific skills. So, if your profile doesn’t include any skills, it’s time to get some. It will still help even if they don’t get endorsed. 

Here are some ways through which LinkedIn Endorsements can improve your LinkedIn profile for job search. 

Add Some Skills
This is the first step for skill endorsement. The first thing you can do is, add some skills to your profile. If you’ve recently made a new Id on LinkedIn, then you’ll be asked to add skills in your profile. If you hadn’t noticed it, then you can click on the “Edit Profile mode.” After that, you’ll see the skills area. As you enter your skills into the box, it will give you a choice of those already listed for you to pick them, or you can add some on your own.

Make sure to add some skills, as these will be the first ones listed on your profile and thus, the easy way for your connections to see. The more endorsements you get for a particular skill, the more it will rise to the top of the list. 

Endorse and Be Endorsed
This is another step which can help you in your job search. Basically, when someone views your profile or you view the profile of one among your other connections, you are offered the opportunity to endorse (also recommend) that person for the skills they have added to their own profile. 

With a click, the skills you choose to endorse have added to their profile with a thumbnail image of your. You can also scroll down to see where their skills are listed, and simply click on the skill you wish to endorse by clicking on the (+) sign to add your endorsement to their profile. 

Give Priority to Your Skill Section 
Instead of ignoring this section, you may reposition skill section to a higher place in your profile, like the summary. This way, people viewing your profile can have a first-look at your skill section, and who knows they might as well get impressed. 

Add More Endorsement
Having a profile with more endorsements can help you in your job search. It’s quite important that you get endorsements because when people are looking at your profile, they can compare you to their profile as well. 

Endorsements create an instant overview of the profile. You can also compare your profile with that of others, and obviously, you would want to look the best. 

Get Notified
When someone endorses your skills, you send an email saying, you’ve received another endorsement and you will also get notified of who those people are. From a good point of view, it’s better if you consider sending those people a message saying “Thank-you” to show your appreciation. 

Basically, showing your appreciation can really help you develop a good rapport, and it will also help you with the job search.

Add More Skills
Adding more skill to your profile can be a bonus point. However, you may also find someone wanting to endorse you for a skill which you haven’t listed on your profile. So, it remains up to you to whether add the skill or not. 

Basically, if you hold your mouse over a skill, then a pop up box will appear. It will contain the information of that skill which refers to the popularity of it being added to other people’s profile. However, adding more skills doesn’t mean that you add such skill which you are literally unknown about. 

Whether you choose to be active on LinkedIn or not, it’s necessary to have a profile set up with accurate information about your skills. This can help you to easily get noticed by such employers and recruiters.

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