Reasons Why Teachers Have the Best Job in The World

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Teaching is no easy task and teachers aren’t always popular in the classroom. They are often viewed as being classroom dictators who force math, science and history on school children. They are also often teased behind their backs, and you can expect school children to come up with the funniest and meanest of nicknames.

Yet, 10 years down the line, these teachers are fondly remembered with the utmost respect and gratitude, and those nicknames become synonymous to that of superheroes. Although a teacher’s work can be difficult and challenging, a teacher’s profession is one that can arouse a lot of envy.

Here are 5 reasons why teachers have the best job in the world.

1. Least boring job: A teacher’s job is adventurous and can be considered as one of the least boring jobs in the world, - especially if you teach younger kids. You never know what to expect for the coming day, and each day is a unique experience. It will not always be a pleasant experience and there is bound to be ups and downs, but it definitely beats coming to work and having the same experience almost every day- which is true to most other jobs. 

2. Most influential job: Teachers have the ability to be real-life superheroes, as they have the power to shape and transform lives.  They don’t just teach Math, Physics or English, but also such things as respect, compassion, discipline, honesty, and kindness. Knowingly or unknowingly, teachers can create enormous differences in the lives of their students. What they say and how they behave will be replicated by their students in the future, who will, in turn, teach the same to their children.  Hence, in a way, they contribute to mold and shape the future of the world.    

3. Most Insightful job: Teaching as a profession is a two-way street. While it is the teacher's job to impart knowledge, so much knowledge is gained from the students as well. A teacher never stops learning. Apart from learning new things about the subjects they teach, they often gain new insights regarding life and its perception. It is safe to say that every teacher who has taught for a significant amount of time has had that one child ask an offbeat question, or make an innocent comment that has changed his/her perspective on certain things; or life itself.

4. Most Modernising job: A teacher is always exposed to the latest youngster trends that keep him/her feeling young. A teacher usually teaches things learned in the past, but the students often teach the teacher current things. For instance, a teacher might teach his/her pupil that Co2 is short for Carbon dioxide, while the student would teach him that IMY is short for "I Miss You"; a teacher might explain to students why Italy left the triple alliance in the world war, while the student would explain to her why Zayn Malik left One Direction. Teachers are thus usually up-to-date on current fads, while their friends are mostly clueless about such things.    

5. Most Satisfying job: There aren’t many jobs in this world that provide the quality of job satisfaction as that in the teaching profession.  Imparting wisdom and knowledge has always provided humankind with a deep sense of satisfaction, and teachers do this almost on a daily basis. This job satisfaction is particularly exquisite when a teacher teaches a difficult lesson and the students get it. Also, being able to captivate an entire class (however small it may be), to listen and be attentive is truly satisfying. Real teachers choose to teach as a profession particularly for this sense of satisfaction, more than anything else.

What teachers do is not just enviable but also heroic. Teaching is truly an invaluable service to mankind!


Want to be a teacher in Nepal? You can find vacancies for teaching jobs all across Nepal at Simply click here to browse vacancies, or call +977 1 4106700

You can also call +977 1 4106700 or drop a mail at [email protected] further career services.  


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