How to Answer “Five Words That Describe Your Personality”

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Interview is a part of your life where you need to impress others in order to sell yourself and get hold of the desired job. With every job interview you attend, you need to find a way to set yourself apart from the crowd of the candidates who are also applying for the same job. However, this takes preparation with regard to forming answers to possible questions

You need to remember that job interviews not just has questions related to the talent and professional experience of a person, but there are questions related to candidates attribute and personalities. You come across different types of interview questions. But, if in case you are asked to describe about your personality, then you need to come up with an answer quite unique than others. If you answer quickly, you may end up sounding like every other candidate. 

So, these are some things you need to consider when you’re about to answer the question “Five words that describe your personality.” 

“Describe your personality” is one of the most common questions asked to every candidate by the recruiters. After all, these questions rather provide recruiters an easy way to find out more about the attribute of the candidate and also to find out whether they are worth providing the job or not. 

When preparing yourself for this question, you should begin with yourself. You need to ask how you would describe your own personality. Are you an introvert or an extrovert or somewhere in between? Are you more of a care free person or someone who prefers to behave according with the situation? Note it down in a paper and review once when you’re done. 

Positives First
During your preparation, make sure you first put across the positive traits that you have. Do not jump and think about of your positive traits all at once. You can give yourself some space and think about the traits one by one. 

Such positive traits can be the moralistic ones or can be professional and performance based. You can note down your moralistic traits such as honesty, selflessness and other. However, you also need to note down the traits based on your professionalism, like being punctual, quick learner, taking responsibility, motivated, responsive and understanding. 

Accept Negatives 
We are aware of the fact that humans can be perfect and imperfect at the same time. Similarly, everyone carries both positive and negative traits within them. It’s our responsibility to recognize both and try not to hide them, but instead acknowledge for solving them. One might find his/her friend quite perfect and well managed, but we can’t agree and say ‘that friend’ was born with all the positives and no negatives! 

So, you also need to note down your negative traits. Do not be that person who writes down their negative traits and prepares themselves to not to reveal that during their interview. Every company likes to hire an honest employee. If you are honest enough to speak about your weakness and your negative traits, then who knows you might make a good impression towards the recruiters. 

Understanding the Best Response
While you’re preparing yourself for the question, you need to be able to make a good decision about your own personality. Also, you should respond in a manner that interconnects well with how the hiring manager perceives you. 

During your interview when asked this question, do not rush to respond. You can take a minute to prepare your answer before you speak. Then, while you’re giving the answer, ensure that you’re response is perfect in order to make the hiring manager remember it for long enough. 

Some Sample Responses to the Question 

As already mentioned above about selling yourself at the interview, you need to come up with an effective answer when asked multiple questions. Besides that, when you’re asked to give five words that describe your personality then focus on choosing the five words wisely. Also, be prepared to explain those words with more detail if questioned further.  

Some sample responses to the question are:

  • Goal focused 
  • Creative 
  • Responsible 
  • Balanced 
  • Sincere   

Basically, your list may differ and certainly, the list of personality traits could be longer. So you need to be very careful while answering such questions. 

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