Prepare for a Job Interview at a Very Short Notice

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Sometimes it will feel like a hiring manager takes forever to get back to you with an interview appointment. But other times they will reply quicker than you think.

You now don’t have time to do thorough, in-depth research, so you’ll need to prioritize and nail the basics. In this scenario, after you get the directions and figure out exactly how to get there and how much time you’ll need, here’s what else you can do with your limited time.

Here are some imperative tips for the preparation at very short notice:

Be Calm
As you are already late for the interview, just relax and consider. Because hurrying or getting nervous is not going to help you. So, keep calm and do the rest of below mentioned things.

The People: Who Are You Interviewing With?
Write down everyone’s name and check out their LinkedIn profiles. This may help you find commonalities or shared interests that could be helpful in building relationship.

The Product or Service: What Is it Selling?
Make sure you’ve tried the product or service and know what it’s about. You’re applying to companies you admire or already have some familiarity with.

Nothing’s more annoying or disheartening to a hiring manager than to see that the interviewee has no idea what the organization does. It’s OK to ask for clarification about the company’s product or to probe for more info during the meeting—after all, this person knows he or she just called you in—but the expectation is that because you applied for the position, you have a baseline understanding.

The Culture: What’s the Dress Code?
The biggest way to signal you don’t understand your potential employer is to arrive in an outfit that totally clashes with its culture. Don’t arrive in a very formal and conservative look if you’re interviewing with a tech company. Likewise, do not go casual if you are interviewing for a business consultant or a manager.

If you have no time to change, remain calm and do the best you can. Make sure your shirt’s tucked in, double-check there’s nothing in your teeth. If you can’t dress the way you would’ve liked, you can at least make yourself look as polished and put together as possible.

Pick 3 Questions to Ask at the End
Remember, this is always a crucial element to any interview process – both on a practical level, and a way of demonstrating your enthusiasm.

Pick at least three questions you’ll want to ask at the end of the interview.

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