Technical Advisor – Health Information Systems


Technical Advisor – Health Information Systems

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH invites applications from suitable candidates to work with Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme (REEEP)- Green Recovery and Empowerment with Energy in Nepal GREEN.

REEEP-GREEN is a technical cooperation project agreed between the Government of Nepal (GoN) and the Federal Republic of Germany. With support of GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and co-financed by the European Union, REEEP-GREEN is executed by the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation and sets out to improve the preconditions for planning and implementation of measures for the promotion of renewable energies and the efficient use of energy in Nepal. The main objective of REEEP-GREEN is to create the regulatory, institutional, and private-sector conditions for disseminating renewable energy and improving energy efficiency in Nepal. REEEP-GREEN uses a multi-level approach consisting of five output areas: Output 1: Policy- Institutional and Regulatory Framework for Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) at National Level; Output 2: Institutional Frameworks for RE and EE at Subnational Levels; Output 3: Sustainable Market Development for RE; Output 4: Dissemination of Results in the field of RE and EE; and Output 5: Energy Efficiency in Industries and Enterprises.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH invites applications from suitable candidates to work with Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme (REEEP)- Green Recovery and Empowerment with Energy in Nepal GREEN.

REEEP-GREEN is a technical cooperation project agreed between the Government of Nepal (GoN) and the Federal Republic of Germany. With support of GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation …

Technical Advisor – Health Information Systems

Views: 2531 | This job is expired 5 years ago

Duty Station: Kathmandu


For tasks primarily focused on working together with the MOHP, academia, and the private sector for capacity building of a variety of stakeholders in the areas of health information systems)


1. Coordinate with stakeholders for capacity development in e-health involving academia and private sector

  • Collaborate with government and non-government stakeholders including MoHP, EDPs, universities and private IT companies to identify cooperation areas for capacity development in e-health system and solution
  • Explore, identify and involve national/international expertise in health informatics for developing curricula/ modules of a course for health informatics
  • Support in designing and developing a health informatics course involving all concerned stakeholders 3GIZ Nepal
  • Support universities in developing partnerships with MoHP and the private sector to provide opportunities to public health/IT graduates to gain experience in digital health

2. Support in the smooth functioning of electronic reporting of HMIS

  • Support the coordination and implementation of the project activities of S2HSP with government partners at all levels and represent S2HSP at different forums
  • Provide technical support and coordination with Integrated Health Information Management Section (IHIMS), Department of Health Services for planning, implementation and capacity development to roll out and maintain e-reporting at all levels
  • Plan and conduct regular monitoring support related activities to S2HSP supported municipality and health facility for continued HMIS data flow
  • Support the development, customisation and piloting of electronic recording of HMIS tool to selected health facility

3. Promote and support the culture of using information for evidence-based decision making

  • Support municipalities and health facilities in visualizing and using data from DHIS2 based HMIS
  • Encourage the use of data quality checking tools at municipality level to assess and improve the quality of data being collected by information systems
  • Work closely with the Governance in Health thematic area of S2HSP to liaison with partner municipalities to promote the use of evidence for decision making and planning

Required qualifications and experience:

  • Master’s degree in Social Sciences, Public Health, Health Informatics, Information Systems, Mathematics, Computer Science or similar At least five years of experience in a position as technical advisor/project manager
  • At least three years of experience of working in public health informatics, monitoring and evaluation, data analysis
  • Experience working in academia to design/develop academic courses would be an asset
  • Strong knowledge of the various information systems in the Nepali health sector
  • Understanding of digital health systems and the requirements for interoperability would be of benefit
  • Demonstrated expertise in managing diverse stakeholders, including from Government of Nepal, and promoting consensus
  • Preferably experience working with international development partners
  • Excellent in communication in both English and Nepali and strong presentation skills

This job has expired.

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