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Thegana Services

Information / Computer / Technology

About Us

What is Thegana Services? Thegana Services (Thegana) is a new address system that solves the problem of explaining and navigating complex addresses in Nepal. Thegana is rapidly building an ecosystem of individual, businesses and governments that are using the new system to communicate addresses for variety of reasons through web, mobile platforms. Why do this? Because ADDRESS matters!!!! Thegana is on the path to fundamentally change how businesses that rely on addresses, supply chain operation depends on location and help scale their operations. It will change how all of us, at a subliminal level will think about location and not worry about getting to places in the absence of local knowledge. As it stands, Thegana will be at the core of communication, often used seamlessly in situations without people even thinking about it actively. As we move towards smarter cities, a smart address is key to tomorrow's way of life and Thegana can contribute greatly to that tomorrow. Thegana is simplifying how people communicate with people, businesses and governments.

Expired Jobs
Jobs posted by Thegana Services
Not Required
NRs. 30,000.00 - 50,000.00 Monthly
Samakhusi, Kathmandu, Central Development Region, Nepal
Data Visualization

We provide geospatial and data analysis services, turning raw data into useful information to acquire real feedback from dataset. We also provide data visualization services utilizing modern frameworks to build fast, agile, modifiable visualizations.

API Service

We design, build, and maintain Application Programming Interfaces that provide meaningful data to private and government clients looking to either make data more available, useful, and meaningful to their users, be they private individuals or the public at large.

Web Application

We design and develop web services and applications that are both usable and utilize modern technology to be agile, powerful, and secure. We assist in the design of computer user interfaces so that developed technologies are as useful as possible.

System Architecture

We provide system administration support, architecture analysis and hosting solutions both on physical and in the cloud allowing clients to leverage modern technology to improve their infrastructure and performance. We also help database optimization.

More Info
Information / Computer / Technology

Company Size
1 - 10 employees

KTM-HELLO (Samakhusi, Townplanning )

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