KTK-BELT Project

Conservation and Education Tourism Expert Consultant

KTK-BELT Project

Conservation and Education Tourism Expert Consult…

KTK-BELT is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in New York. It aims to catalyze new models of biodiversity conservation and environmental learning in eastern Nepal. Its mission is to work with teachers, farmers, youth, and women to create a ‘Vertical University’
that will span from Koshi Tappu (67 m.) to Kanchenjunga (8,586 m.), the third tallest peak in the world. The idea is to give a framework to local farmers to become ‘professors’ of the Vertical University, to share their indigenous knowledge while conserving threatened species and

KTK-BELT works with local non-profit motive organizations called ‘Learning Grounds.’ Each Learning Ground, governed by a diverse local Board, owns its own biodiversity-rich conservation land base, which it holds in perpetuity in order to prevent ecosystem fragmentation and deforestation. Local BELT Youth Fellows, trained by KTK-BELT staff, run and administer the Learning Grounds. 
For more information, please visit www.belt-project.org.

KTK-BELT is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in New York. It aims to catalyze new models of biodiversity conservation and environmental learning in eastern Nepal. Its mission is to work with teachers, farmers, youth, and women to create a ‘Vertical University’
that will span from Koshi Tappu (67 m.) to Kanchenjunga (8,586 m.), the third tallest peak in the world. The idea is to …

Conservation and Education Tourism Expert Consultant

Views: 1344 | This job is expired 6 years, 5 months ago

Nature of Arrangement: Short-Term Consultancy
Project Title: A strategic tourism plan for sustainable, carbon-neutral and educational tourism as a part of the Vertical University Project
Project Location: Yangshila VDC, Eastern Region of Nepal
Duration: 3 months

Pilot Site: Yangshila

KTK-BELT is seeking to pilot a revenue-generating eco-tourism project in Yangshila (180-1,950 m), an ethnically diverse community of 7,500 farmers in the tropical and subtropical foothills, where 25 Learning Grounds have been created and over 660 unique plant species have been documented including many rare and endemic medicinal plants. The concept is to develop our own unique brand of vertical eco-tourism centered on biodiversity, local knowledge, permaculture, and sustainable design where visitors would themselves work on conservation and organic activities, learn about native biodiversity from the local farmers, and immerse in the community in eastern Nepal. What makes Yangshila unique is the heterogeneity of landscapes, as its altitude ranges from 180 m to 1,950 m, and from the lowest to the highest point is only an 8-10 hour hike.We would offer a hands-on immersion into the landscapes of the Vertical University. If the pilot is successful in Yangshila, it will be scaled to other regions of the Vertical University by 2019.

Position Description:

The consultant shall work on developing a comprehensive strategic tourism plan for the Vertical University Project that is carbon-neutral, conservation-focused, and educational tourism. The strategic plan shall include a thorough and critical assessment of tourism-related economic, social and ecological potentials of the pilot site region.

Scope of work:

Market Research:

  • Review the tourism strategy undertaken by various conservation and environmental organizations, including National Geographic, WWF, Patagonia, Conservation international, to understand their tourism planning, marketing and promotions, regulations and licensing, standards, manpower development, and investments
  • Assess and review the existing tourism framework, guidelines, licensing, regulations and laws in Nepal applicable to the KTK-BELT tourism strategy
  • Review tourism trends vis-à-vis competing for destinations within the country
  • Analysis of relevant public and private stakeholders and market actors

Field assessment:

  • Identify the trail infrastructure needs/gaps/hazards in the pilot catchment area, including trails, water supply, sanitation, and power, among others.
  • Identify geographic areas with potential tourism value, based on a set of criteria, and provide recommendations and approaches to developing such areas, including the identification of relevant infrastructure and capacity needs.

Tourism development plan:

  • In collaboration with the co-founders, develop a comprehensive and strategic framework based on the visions articulated as well as define the strategies and action plan for each area of concern, such as, but not limited to tourism planning.
  • The development plan shall include a thorough and critical assessment (SWOT analysis) of tourism-related economic, social and ecological potentials of the region including horizontal and vertical value chains, of the market system and of private sector actors as well as threats;
  • A Tourism Product Development Strategy including a database of tourism resources need to be included.
  • Recommend funding sources to implement the plan, including multi- and bilateral organizations, official development assistance, and public-private sector.

Implementation plan:

  • Action plan for the implementation of the findings and recommendations; including due consideration for social and environmental safeguards
  • Recommendations for financial and personnel resources for implementation of the tourism plan
  • Recommendations for a suitable management and coordination mechanism for the implementation phase
  • Identification of possible risks and mitigation actions
  • Develop the monitoring and evaluation framework


A framework plan/ strategy with the following suggested content and structure

  • Competitive analysis of the tourism sector vis-à-vis competing destinations, including statement of challenges and issues
  • Policies and strategies for development
  • Action plan/ roadmap on specific concerns (e.g. transportation, infrastructure, product development, human resources development, marketing, investments, environment, socio-cultural, poverty reduction, ecotourism and community-based tourism, public-private sector partnerships)
  • Infrastructure needs of tourism areas
  • Priority tourism development areas and recommended projects
  • Feasibility of a carbon-neutral tourism strategy
  • Integrated marketing plan
  • Business plan
  • Recommendations for the masterplan


  • Has extensive international, and/or regional experience in the preparation of tourism plan, strategy, framework or roadmap
  • Has highly competent technical expertise with recognized international experience
  • Has relevant education and training on tourism planning, marketing, infrastructure, transportation, product development, standards setting, local governance, environment, social, and cultural
  • Knowledge and practice in conservation/ education/ nature-based tourism. Carbon neutral tourism understanding is a bonus

This job has expired.

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