VSO Nepal

Trustee VSO International Board

VSO Nepal

Trustee VSO International Board

VSO is the world’s leading international development charity that works through volunteers to create a fair world for everyone. At VSO we pride ourselves on doing development differently. We fight poverty not by sending aid, but by working through volunteers and partners to create long-lasting change in some of the world’s poorest regions. We bring key stakeholders together to co-ordinate collective action, from local organisations to national governments. Our programmes in Africa and Asia focus on health, education and livelihoods, with an increasing emphasis on resilience, peace building, social accountability, gender and social inclusion. We’re not about delivering quick fixes, but instead we focus on long-lasting, sustainable change that will improve the lives of generations to come.

VSO is the world’s leading international development charity that works through volunteers to create a fair world for everyone. At VSO we pride ourselves on doing development differently. We fight poverty not by sending aid, but by working through volunteers and partners to create long-lasting change in some of the world’s poorest regions. We bring key stakeholders together to co-ordinate collective action, from local …

Trustee VSO International Board

Views: 5162 | This job is expired 5 years, 8 months ago

Job Type: International Volunteer
Preferred Educational Qualification: Master  
Preferred Age Range: No Age Bar 

Educational Qualification Description: VSO International is seeking to appoint Volunteers to trustee positions on our International board. Trustees should possess understanding or experience of operating within a board in a not for profit

The roles and responsibilities of the trustees include:

  • To contribute actively to the trustees’ role in giving clear strategic direction, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets
  • Provide mentorship and guidance to the VSO International executive team
  • Serve on sub committees of the board as appointed
  • To ensure that VSO complies with its memorandum and articles of association, charity law, company law and other relevant legislation and regulations
  • To ensure that the charity pursues and applies its resources exclusively in pursuit of its charitable objectives
  • To safeguard the reputation and values of VSO
  • To ensure the effective and efficient administration of VSO
  • To ensure the financial stability of VSO
  • To protect and manage the assets of VSO and ensure proper investment of VSO’s reserves
  • To appoint the chief executive and monitor his or her performance
  • To use any specific knowledge, experience, expertise or perspective to help the board reach sound decisions
  • Support networking, stakeholder engagement and fundraising at a strategic and practical level

Skills, qualifications and experience

VSO International is seeking to appoint Volunteers to trustee positions on our International board. Trustees should possess understanding or experience of operating within a board in a not for profit, public or private organisation. 
In addition they should possess skills in either of the below;

  • Experience and expertise in people/ organisation development/ change management across a range of countries and cultures
  • Experience and expertise in marketing and positioning and/or public fundraising
  • Experience and expertise in finance and business model development
  • Some background about VSO

This job has expired.

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