
WorldLink is the largest broadband service provider in Nepal employing over 5,000 people and connecting over 750,000 households over its own nation-wide, state-of-the-art optical fiber network. Today, over 3.4 million netizens use WorldLink to access the Internet, representing around one-third of all active Internet users in the country. Around 1.75 million TV viewers use WorldLink’s IPTV services to watch live TV and video-on-demand entertainment. Established in 1995, WorldLink is a rare success story of patience, perseverance and persistence in Nepal. As a result, WorldLink has attracted the largest foreign private equity investment in Nepal, with investments from BII and Dolma Fund.

WorldLink is the largest broadband service provider in Nepal employing over 5,000 people and connecting over 750,000 households over its own nation-wide, state-of-the-art optical fiber network. Today, over 3.4 million netizens use WorldLink to access the Internet, representing around one-third of all active Internet users in the country. Around 1.75 million TV viewers use WorldLink’s IPTV services to watch live TV and video-on-demand entertainment. …


Views: 4747 | This job is expired 3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Job Information

Job Category : Human Resource /Org. Development
Job Level : Mid Level
No. of Vacancy/s : [ 5 ]
Employment Type : Full Time
Job Location : Kathmandu, Nepal
Offered Salary : Negotiable
Apply Before(Deadline) : Feb. 07, 2021 23:55 (3 years, 4 months ago)

Job Specification

Education Level : Under Graduate (Bachelor)
Experience Required : More than or equal to 1 year
Professional Skill Required : Communication Presentation Public Speaking MS Word MS Excel MS PowerPoint

Job Description

  • Help design/develop training plan identifying specific training to meet unfilled needs and job specific training requirement
  • Monitor, evaluate, and review the quality and effectiveness of training programs, including assessing the performance of individuals attending the training
  • Report results and overall assessment of an on-going training activities
  • Evaluate the success of training implementation by accessing achievement of learning objectives and transfer of knowledge to continuously improve training solutions and identify future training needs.
  • Utilize a variety of techniques, concepts, development, and delivery of training programs and strategies.
  • Conduct seminars, workshops, individual training sessions etc. 
  • Work with subject matter experts to obtain content and to develop relevant case studies and exercises.

This job has expired.

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