Noah education consultancy

Social Media Manager

Noah education consultancy

Social Media Manager

Social Media Manager

Noah education consultancy

Experience: More than 1 year

Social Media Manager

Views: 234 | Apply Before: 5 hours from now

Basic Job Information

Job Category : Marketing / Advertising / Customer Service
Job Level : Entry Level
No. of Vacancy/s : [ 1 ]
Employment Type : Full Time
Job Location : Kathmandu
Apply Before(Deadline) : Jun. 30, 2024 23:55 (5 hours from now)

Job Specification

Education Level : Under Graduate (Bachelor)
Experience Required : More than 1 year

About the job

Socila Media Manager 

Role Description

This is a full-time on-site role for a Social Media Manager at Noah Education Consultancy located in Kathmandu. As a Social Media Manager, you will be responsible for managing and executing social media strategies, creating and curating engaging content, monitoring and analyzing social media metrics, and staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams to develop and implement social media campaigns that align with the company's goals and objectives.


  • Proven experience as a Social Media Manager or similar role
  • Excellent knowledge of social media platforms and their best practices
  • Strong understanding of content creation and digital marketing
  • Ability to analyze and interpret social media data and metrics
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Strong attention to detail and organizational skills
  • Creative thinker with the ability to generate innovative ideas
  • Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced and collaborative environment
  • Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Communication, or a related field
  • Proficiency in social media management tools

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