BBC Media Action

Senior Thematic Advisor

BBC Media Action

Senior Thematic Advisor

BBC Media Action is the BBC’s international charity. We support the independent media essential to democracy and development; and support people facing insecurity, inequality and poverty with information they can trust – to protect health, bridge divides and challenge prejudice. With our partners we reach millions through creative communication and trusted media, helping people have their say, understand their rights, responsibilities and each other, and take action to transform their own lives.

BBC Media Action is looking for an experienced development professional to work in the capacity of Senior Thematic Advisor to provide strategic leadership and support our country teams across the world in the area of economic security and opportunity.

BBC Media Action is the BBC’s international charity. We support the independent media essential to democracy and development; and support people facing insecurity, inequality and poverty with information they can trust – to protect health, bridge divides and challenge prejudice. With our partners we reach millions through creative communication and trusted media, helping people have their say, understand their rights, responsibilities and each other, …

Senior Thematic Advisor

Views: 1645 | This job is expired 3 years, 4 months ago

The ideal candidate will have: 

  • Strong development and/or humanitarian experience. 
  • Bring expertise about how media and communication can support employment, self employment and entrepreneurship, financial literacy, cash transfers and social protection  schemes, and labour rights and governance issues related to economic security. 

This is a global role, working closely with our teams to improve the quality of projects and research  that BBC Media Action delivers and providing expert advice on how the organisation can be innovative  and achieve impact in this thematic area.  

The role will also lead on engaging with influential external stakeholders about the potential of media  and communication for economic security. 

The role may involve working with groups of vulnerable children and adults. For the successful candidate,  mandatory training will be provided on BBC Media Action’s safeguarding policy and staff code of conduct. A  background check will form part of the recruitment process. BBC Media Action operates a zero-tolerance policy  concerning all forms of abuse and exploitation of vulnerable people.

This job has expired.

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