ActionAid International Nepal

Roster of Consultants

ActionAid International Nepal

Roster of Consultants

ActionAid is a global justice federation working in over 45 countries to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication. ActionAid International Nepal (AAIN) is a member of the global federation of ActionAid, working for human rights, poverty eradication and gender equality. It is a non-governmental national social justice organization established in 1982 and working locally in different provinces of Nepal. It is also a part of national and global social justice movements and other civil society networks, alliances, and coalitions. Shaped and driven by our values, vision, and mission, we work for transformative and structural social changes through people’s active agencies. We believe in human rights and embrace the Human Right Based Approach to fight against not only the symptoms but also the structural causes of poverty, injustice, and inequality. Discriminated, excluded, and exploited people – particularly women and girls – living in poverty and injustice, whose rights are denied or violated, are our primary stakeholders. We take sides with them and stand by them; their stories, energy and activism inspire us and our work. AAIN believes that young people are the driving force and energy to bring positive changes in the community and therefore AAIN will work with young people while keeping women and girls at the center among people living in poverty and exclusions.

ActionAid is a global justice federation working in over 45 countries to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication. ActionAid International Nepal (AAIN) is a member of the global federation of ActionAid, working for human rights, poverty eradication and gender equality. It is a non-governmental national social justice organization established in 1982 and working locally in different provinces of Nepal. It is also …

Roster of Consultants

Views: 3782 | This job is expired 3 years ago

AAIN is in the process of updating its roster of consultants who can deliver various services as per the  requirements of the Organisation’s priorities. For more details on AAIN’s various priority areas and required  expertise, read the document titled“Consultancy EoI Instructions” uploaded on the AAIN website link Interested applicants (Firms or Individuals) are requested to apply online by following the instructions given in the document. 


  • Preference will be given to persons holding a graduate degree or  above in the relevant area of expertise or services. However,  applicants with at least an Intermediate level qualification are  welcome subject to their exceptional practical experience and  expertise in the stated field


  • Individuals- Must hold a Nepali citizenship, PAN card and aged above  18 years 
  • Firms - Must be legally registered/renewed and VAT/PAN registered  in Nepal


  • Preference will be given to persons/firms with a minimum of five  years of experience in the relevant area of expertise or services, but  dynamic youth with lesser experience are welcome to express their  interest in working with ActionAid


  •  Proficiency in written and spoken English and Nepali

The application deadline is Wednesday, 23rd June 2021. 

For detailed Instructions for Applicants, please CLICK HERE

AAIN will maintain the consultants’ roster based on the EoI applications and only the eligible qualified  consultants will be contacted for the submission of detailed technical and financial proposals as per the need  of AAIN. 

This job has expired.

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