Programme Analyst – Gender


Programme Analyst – Gender

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is a voluntary-funded international organization with a presence in over 150 countries, including Nepal. UNFPA is guided by the Programme of Action of the 1994 Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and the Sustainable Development Goals. Its mission is to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

The work of UNFPA is based on the premise that all human beings are entitled to equal rights and protections. We focus on women and young people because these are groups whose ability to exercise their right to sexual and reproductive health is often compromised. Our work is informed by an understanding of population dynamics, human rights and cultural sensitivity.

UNFPA in Nepal

UNFPA support to Nepal began in 1971 and has evolved in response to the changing national contexts. The new country programme is aligned to national priorities, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the ICPD Programme of Action, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the UNFPA strategic plan, 2022–2025, and the UNSDCF, 2023–2027. The programme aims to contribute to and accelerate achievement of the 2030 Agenda, in particular SDGs 3 and 5 and the three UNFPA transformative results, in line with the Decade of Action. 

UNFPA partners with the Government of Nepal, youth and women’s organizations and development partners to advance its mission. Under the 9th Country Programme and in line with its mandate, UNFPA Nepal is working around the following areas:

Sexual and reproductive health and rights: UNFPA is supporting national efforts in Nepal to improve the sexual and reproductive health of the most marginalized adolescent girls and women. The Fund is largely focusing on youth aged 15-24 and the most marginalized women addressing both the demand and supply sides of reproductive health services to improve access to information and services on maternal health, family planning, and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

Gender equality, Gender-based violence and Harmful Practices : UNFPA’s support to the Government of Nepal under this overarching theme seeks to ensure that vulnerable groups experience greater self-confidence, respect and dignity. We are building national capacity in the health sector to address gender-based violence (GBV), prevent child marriage and other harmful practices, and working to enhance the knowledge and capacity of men, women and communities to GBV. Investing in young people, especially the vulnerable and the marginalized, is a priority for UNFPA Nepal. The country has a large adolescent and youth population. Nepal is experiencing a demographic window of opportunity, a ‘youth bulge’. Nepali youth face several development challenges, including access to education, employment, gender inequality, child marriage, youth-friendly health services and adolescent pregnancy. Yet, with investments in their participation and leadership, young people can transform the social and economic fortunes of the country. UNFPA Nepal works with the government and partners to advocate for adolescents and youth’s rights and investments, including education, livelihood skills and health, including sexual and reproductive health.

Disaster risk reduction and climate change: UNFPA is working on environmental sustainability, climate and disaster resilience, with a focus on ensuring that the specific needs and rights of women and girls, particularly those from vulnerable and marginalized groups, are addressed in humanitarian preparedness, adaptation, response, and recovery efforts.

Population dynamics: Population megatrends at the national and sub-national levels in Nepal continued rapid population growth, population aging, urbanization and migration — not only frame the entire development debate, they demand a reconsideration and re-conceptualization of what will be the main challenges for a new Nepal. Without an adequate understanding of how Nepal is changing from a demographic perspective, forward-looking planning and agenda setting will be of little value. Keeping this in mind, UNFPA Nepal is working with the government to ensure that national, sectoral and decentralized policies and plans address population dynamics and the interlinkages with gender equality, poverty reduction, the needs of young people, and reproductive health, including family planning.

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is a voluntary-funded international organization with a presence in over 150 countries, including Nepal. UNFPA is guided by the Programme of Action of the 1994 Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and the Sustainable Development Goals. Its mission is to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential …

Programme Analyst – Gender

Views: 4436 | This job is expired 1 week, 5 days ago

Job Opening ID: 22971
Location: Janakpur, Nepal
Full/Part time: Full Time
Vacancy Type: Fixed Term
Grade: NO-B
Rotational/Non Rotational: Non-rotational
Duration: 1 year initially with possibility of extension 
Education & Work Experience: Master's Degree with at least 2 year(s) experience
Deadline: 10 January 2025 by 5:30 PM NPT

The Position:

The Programme Analyst - Gender leads UNFPA’s work in the assigned Province on gender  equality and human rights, with a special focus on gender-based violence (GBV) and harmful  practices, towards accelerating the achievement of the International Conference on  Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action (PoA), the Beijing Platform for  Action, the 2030 Agenda and other global, regional and national frameworks. 

S/he provides technical leadership, policy advice and management support to the UNFPA  programmes in the assigned province on gender equality, women’s rights, gender-based  violence, and harmful practices. S/he promotes inter-linkages within the gender portfolio of  projects and among other programmes in the areas of reproductive health, adolescents and  youth and population dynamics, and builds capacities of staff and concerned partners at the  provincial level to mainstream gender and incorporate an intersectionality lens across all  programme areas in the province. 

How you can make a difference:

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every  childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled. UNFPA’s strategic plan focuses  on three transformative results: to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for  family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices.  

In a world where fundamental human rights are at risk, we need principled and ethical staff,  who embody these international norms and standards, and who will defend them  courageously and with full conviction. 

UNFPA is seeking candidates that transform, inspire and deliver high impact and sustained  results; we need staff who uphold the values enshrined in the United Nations Charter, who  are transparent, exceptional in how they manage the resources entrusted to them and who  commit to deliver excellence in programme results.

Job Purpose:

The UNFPA Strategic Plan embraces the vision of the 2030 Agenda and places the achievement  of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls as a priority, and as an essential  precondition to reaching those furthest behind. This together with UNFPA’s commitments to  support the realization of international conventions and resolutions, including the Convention  on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), ICPD Beyond 2014  Review, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action plus 20 Review, the 2030 Agenda for  Sustainable Development, UN Security Council Resolution 1325 among others, confirm that  gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is at the heart of UNFPA’s work,  both as a stand-alone dedicated area of work and from a mainstreaming approach. 

In Nepal, women have long experienced high levels of poverty, violence, social exclusion and  marginalization because of their gender. One in four ever married women have experienced  spousal physical, sexual, or emotional violence. Social norms that value men and boys over  women and girls deny equal opportunities to women and girls and result in a range of harmful  practices, including child marriage and gender-biased sex selection. Evidence shows that  vulnerabilities of women and adolescents are exacerbated during crisis situations, heightening  their risk to gender-based violence. For women from ethnic minorities and groups considered  low caste and those living with disabilities, these disadvantages are greatly compounded,  making them the most left behind. 

To advance gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, UNFPA contributes to  strengthening policy, legal and accountability frameworks. This includes support for policies  and programmes and human rights mechanisms that protect the rights of women and girls,  promote equal opportunities, and end all forms of violence and discrimination against women  and girls and other marginalized groups.  

UNFPA implements comprehensive programmes to change underlying social norms that  impede eliminating gender discriminatory practices, including gender-based violence and  harmful practices. In Nepal, UNFPA manages a portfolio of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and  Harmful Practices programmes, including the GBV Prevention and Response (GBVPR)  programme, Empowered Women Prosperous Nepal (EWPN), Safe Girls Project and other  projects that focus on ending child marriage, and comprehensive sexuality education. 

As the lead agency for gender-based violence area of responsibility under the Global  Protection Cluster, UNFPA plays a prominent inter-agency role and supports multi-sectoral  capacity building and the use of a continuum approach in development and humanitarian  settings to address GBV. All these programmes are closely linked to UNFPA-supported  interventions to advance reproductive rights in the country, supported by efforts to improve  population data systems to map and address inequalities and improve the availability of sex disaggregated data across the country.  

The Programme Analyst - Gender is entrusted with the responsibility of engaging in advocacy  and policy dialogue for concerted actions by the provincial and local government  counterparts, UN system and other development partners, and civil society organizations and  networks on issues related to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, with a special focus on GBV and harmful practices. S/he will provide technical assistance and build  partnerships to leverage financial and technical resources for the accelerated achievement of  UNFPA’s transformative programme goals. S/he will support the development,  implementation, and oversight of UNFPA’s work on gender and women’s rights including  social inclusion dimensions at provincial and local level and will coordinate with relevant  UNFPA staff across thematic and other teams at all operational levels. S/he will establish,  nurture and participate in sub-national networks in this field and promote harmonisation of  gender and GBV interventions in the province and local level among the relevant actors. 

Under the overall technical guidance of the Gender Equality & Human Rights Specialist, and  the direct supervision of the Head of the Provincial Office, Janakpur, the Programme Analyst -  Gender will be responsible for; 

You will be responsible for:  

A. Policy Dialogue and Technical Leadership: 

  • Ensures the positioning of UNFPA on gender equality, women’s rights and inclusivity  within broader national and provincial development and humanitarian agendas, as  relevant. 
  • Establishes and maintains strong working relationships with concerned Government  counterparts at Provincial, and Local Government levels.  
  • Engages in policy dialogue with the Government, UN system and other development  partners to incorporate the needs and rights of women and girls into provincial and local  policies and plans, and within other relevant frameworks at sub-national level. 
  • Keeps abreast of provincial and local gender legal and policies developments and  strategies; analyzes policy papers, strategy documents, provincial and local plans,  development and humanitarian frameworks as well as their operationalization and  prepares analysis on the potential implications for the work of UNFPA in the province. 
  • Advocates for gender responsive budgeting and cost sharing strategies with Provincial  and Local Government authorities.  
  • Participates in provincial technical fora of government, civil society and academic  institutions as well as of other technical agencies and partners on issues relating to  gender equality, GBV, harmful practices and social inclusion.  
  • Provides technical inputs for the development and updating of guidelines, standards,  tools, manuals and approaches on gender, GBV, harmful practices and reproductive  rights at the provincial level to ensure they are aligned with global normative  frameworks.  
  • Actively promotes, nurtures and participates in communities of practice, networks and  coalitions related to gender and social inclusion at the provincial level. 
  • Identifies and analyzes trends, threats and risks at the provincial level that may affect  the accomplishment of the ICPD agenda and UNFPA’s work across the province.
  • Keeps abreast of state-of-the-art thinking and research and ensures its integration into  UNFPA’s gender and reproductive rights portfolios, incorporating an intersectionality  lens and an integrated approach across all other thematic areas of work in the province. 
  • Provides technical guidance on rights-based, gender-centric and inclusive programming that takes into consideration intersecting identities such as caste, race, gender, sexuality  and other individual characteristics to reach women and girls that are furthest behind. 
  • Contributes to the CEDAW, CRC and UPR reporting processes in the country through the  provision of data and analyses from the province to ensure issues relating to the ICPD  PoA are addressed and the interlinkages between gender equality, human’s rights, GBV and reproductive rights are established and reflected in the reports. 

B. Programme Management and Coordination: 

  • Provides technical and programmatic leadership in the formulation of gender  responsive, rights-based programmes and projects at the provincial level, taking into  consideration the linkages between gender-based violence and social exclusion with gender equality, human rights, reproductive rights, poverty eradication and sustainable  development as embodied in the ICPD PoA and the 2030 Agenda.  
  • Manages timely planning and implementation of the gender component work plan at the provincial level, in collaboration with the UNFPA technical and programme teams at  all levels as well as with relevant implementing partners including the key government  counterparts, NGOs and other partners, in line with provincial and local government  priorities and UNFPA programme policies and procedures. Oversees the preparation and  management of AWP and programme budgets of all IPs in the province and ensures the  timely and accurate reporting of financial information.  
  • Conducts results-based monitoring and reporting of the gender programme and projects  in the province as well as on gender mainstreaming and the integration of women’s  rights and social inclusion in the projects; and undertakes regular monitoring visits, as  well as joint visits with donors and implementing partners. 
  • Promotes inter-linkages within the gender portfolio of UNFPA supported projects (GBV  prevention and response, child marriage, safe girls project, comprehensive sexuality  education) and among other UNFPA programme components (sexual and reproductive  health, adolescent and youth, population dynamics) at the provincial level to ensure  synergies, complementarities and progress towards achieving gender equality and  reproductive rights for all, in both development and humanitarian contexts. 
  • Coordinates and engages closely with Provincial and Local Government authorities for  sustainability of the gender programme outcomes. 
  • Emphasizes the centrality of gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls and  reproductive rights to the full achievement of the ICPD agenda and SDGs and participates  in relevant interagency processes. 
  • Ensures the UNFPA-supported provincial programme and projects on gender and GBV  (as well as other components in terms of gender mainstreaming) are aligned to provincial  and local government priorities, UNFPA programme policies and procedures, and global  normative frameworks vis-à-vis gender equality, women’s rights and social inclusion. 
  • Provides technical advice to and builds capacity of relevant programme staff in the  provincial office on gender mainstreaming and the integration of women’s rights and  social inclusion in other thematic areas (eg: in the development and implementation of  concept notes, proposals and work plans). 
  • Contributes to UNFPA collaborations with government counterparts, civil society  organizations, UN agencies and other development partners on the design and delivery  of policy and programme interventions on gender, GBV and harmful practices,  promoting approaches grounded in rights, gender equality and social inclusion.  
  • Collaborates with team members, programme partners, and sub-grantees to ensure safe  implementation of programmes at the community level applying Do No Harm approach.
  • Contributes to the development of humanitarian response interventions; by ensuring  they are gender responsive and address the needs of women and girls of the assigned  province, particularly of the most marginalized during emergencies. 

C. Advocacy and Resource Mobilization:  

  • Leads advocacy and engagement work on gender and women’s rights at Provincial, and  Local Government levels, ensuring that stakeholders are kept abreast of relevant  developments in the UNFPA gender programme. 
  • Identifies opportunities to advocate for gender equality, the empowerment of women  and girls and the elimination of GBV and harmful practices at the provincial level as  part of UNFPA’s efforts to support the achievement of the ICPD PoA and the SDGs. 
  • Analyzes and interprets the political, legal, social and economic environment and  trends on gender, GBV, harmful practices and social exclusion issues and identifies strategic opportunities for UNFPA assistance and partnerships in the province. 
  • Synthesizes provincial level data and analyses to be used in advocacy efforts and for  resource mobilization and contributes to the preparation of concept notes and  proposals on gender, GBV and harmful practices that are innovative, demonstrate  potential for high impact and UNFPA’s comparative substantive role.  
  • Contributes to advocacy efforts for increases in provincial and local budgetary  allocations and expenditures for gender equality, women’s rights and the elimination  of GBV and harmful practices, and leverage financing for the ICPD agenda and ensure  the sustainability of interventions.  
  • Contributes technical inputs from provincial perspective to communications materials  for advocating for gender equality and women’s rights, with a focus on addressing all  forms of violence against women and girls and the realization of reproductive rights as  essential for sustainable development.  
  • Provides inputs to content for visibility of UNFPA’s policy and programme work and  achievements on gender, GBV and harmful practices in the province including for the  development of briefs, reports, press releases and social media, as requested. 

D. Knowledge Management:

  • Provides technical and programmatic support from provincial perspective for research  related to GBV, harmful practices, gender equality and women’s rights, and identifies,  documents, and disseminates lessons learned and best practices in addressing GBV  and harmful practices in the province. 
  • Creates and documents knowledge about current and emerging issues relating to  gender, GBV and harmful practices, by analyzing programmes, strategies and  approaches for lessons learned, best practices, and shares with management for use  in knowledge sharing and planning future strategies. 
  • Contributes to communities of practices and knowledge sharing platforms to share key  research, data and information related to gender equality and reproductive rights,  including on issues related to GBV and harmful practices from the province. 
  • Carry out any other duties as may be required by UNFPA leadership. 

Qualifications and Experience:


Advanced degree in Gender Studies, Human Rights, Law, Public Policy, Development Studies,  or related disciplines. 

Knowledge and Experience:

  • Minimum two years of professional experience in gender and/or human rights and  GBV programme management in the public sector. 
  • Technical expertise in gender equality, GBV, harmful practices and knowledge of  relevant international human rights norms and gender equality frameworks. 
  • Strong understanding of women’s rights, reproductive rights and gender equality  dimensions in law, policy and programme formulation, implementation and  monitoring. 
  • Demonstrated experience in coordination and liaison with government counterparts,  NGOs, UN agencies, private sector, development partners and CBOs. 
  • Understanding of cultural context and social norms influencing the incidence of gender  based violence at national and sub-national level.  
  • Knowledge of federalism and governance systems in Nepal, with experience in  advocacy with governments and in planning processes. 
  • Strong English speaking, oral and writing skills, including proposal development and  report writing for complex programmes and interventions required. 
  • Ability to communicate in a clear and articulated manner, technical and/or complex  issues to different types of audiences.  
  • Demonstrated management and oversight experience with capacity to lead diverse  teams, strongly preferred.  
  • Working experience in the humanitarian setting is an asset. 


Proficiency in English and Nepali is required. Working knowledge of another UN language is  an asset.  

Required Competencies:


  • Exemplifying integrity,  
  • Demonstrating commitment to UNFPA  and the UN system,  
  • Embracing cultural diversity,  
  • Embracing change,

Functional Competencies: 

  • Advocacy/ Advancing a policy-oriented  agenda, 
  • Leveraging the resources of national  governments and partners/ building  strategic alliances and partnerships, 
  • Delivering results-based programme,
  • Internal and external communication  and advocacy for results mobilisation,

Core Competencies:  

  • Achieving results, 
  • Being accountable, 
  • Developing and applying professional  expertise/business acumen, 
  • Thinking analytically and strategically,
  • Working in teams/managing ourselves  and our relationships, 
  • Communicating for impact,

Managerial Competencies: 

  • Providing strategic focus, 
  • Engaging in internal/external partners  and stakeholders, 
  • Leading, developing and empowering  people, creating a culture of  performance, 
  • Making decisions and exercising judgment.

Compensation and Benefits: 

This position offers an attractive remuneration package including a competitive net salary  plus, health insurance, pension and other benefits as applicable. 

*No expectancy of renewal in accordance with UN Staff Regulations 4.5 


UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee  in connection with the application or recruitment process. Fraudulent notices, letters or offers may be submitted to the UNFPA fraud hotline http://www.unfpa.org/help/hotline.cfm 

In accordance with the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations, persons applying to  posts in the international Professional category, who hold permanent resident status in a  country other than their country of nationality, may be required to renounce such status upon  their appointment. 

This job has expired.

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