Catholic Relief Services

Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Manager

Catholic Relief Services

Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learni…

CRS is an international NGO based in the United States that works in over 100 countries to promote human development by responding to major emergencies, fighting diseases, poverty, and nurturing peaceful and just societies. CRS Nepal has been implementing emergency response and recovery (Including COVID-19) program in Nepal, and further plans to extend sustainable livelihood development program in various districts of Nepal. Additionally, CRS is implementing USAID supported livelihood technical assistance program Farmer to Farmer (F2F) in Bagmati Province, Province 5, Karnali Province and Sudurpaschim Province. The Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform (HRRP) led by CRS Nepal since March 2017 has been providing coordination support services across 32 earthquake affected districts. CRS Nepal is currently expanding its support to address the Covid-19 economic recovery needs for the vulnerable households in Palpa and Gorkha districts. Further, CRS Nepal plans to expand community resilient program through the implementation of Shelter, WASH and Sustainable Agriculture Livelihoods in the western earthquake affected districts of Nepal.

CRS Nepal Invites applications from eligible and interested candidates for the following position:

CRS is an international NGO based in the United States that works in over 100 countries to promote human development by responding to major emergencies, fighting diseases, poverty, and nurturing peaceful and just societies. CRS Nepal has been implementing emergency response and recovery (Including COVID-19) program in Nepal, and further plans to extend sustainable livelihood development program in various districts of Nepal. Additionally, CRS …

Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Manager

Views: 7568 | This job is expired 7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Job Information

Job Category : NGO / INGO / Social work
Job Level : mid
No. of Vacancy/s : [ 1 ]
Offered Salary : None
Apply Before(Deadline) : Sep. 14, 2016 00:00 (7 years, 9 months ago)

Job Specification

Experience Required : Not Required
Other Specification


Job Description

REPORTS TO: Head of Programming 

Primary Responsibilities: 
The MEAL Manager will be responsible for leading and providing guidance and technical support to ensure MEAL management and full readiness of MEAL implementation across all of CRS Nepal’s programs – specifically early recovery programs that includes but is not limited to shelter, WASH, livelihood and community accountability; ensuring capacity building of program teams and partner staff in developing high quality monitoring systems and tools; lead and guide midterm review and evaluation, learning and reflection across all programs; provide significant input to the proposal development and design stage and provide support to M&E sections within the proposal. 
Under the supervision of the Head of Programing, the MEAL Manager will work with Program Managers, MEAL staff, other project staff and partner staff to ensure full compliance with grants’ documentation requirements as per MEAL policy and procedures, communicate project successes to relevant stakeholders, prepare timely and accurate reports for dissemination in and outside of CRS, and provide technical support to staff and partners. 

A. Monitoring and Evaluation Design 

  • Develop, guide and support the implementation of monitoring activities, including timely collection of quality data, set-up and maintenance of databases, facilitation of participatory reflection on monitoring results and submission of timely progress reports. 
  • Develop and implement MEAL systems that meet donor requirements, local governments’ requirement and adhere to the agency’s MEAL Policies and Procedures. 
  • Work with MEAL staffs and programming staff to introduce participatory community level monitoring & evaluation systems and tools. 
  • Proactively support programming staff by compiling and analyzing data and facilitating learning-to-action discussions with CRS and partner staff and use of M&E data for decision making.
  • Develop rigorous qualitative and quantitative data collection tools, including surveys, focus group and key informant discussion guides, and participatory evaluation methodologies. 
  • Ensure that project data is disaggregated according to gender. Review project data quarterly with a gender-focus, identifying project activities and results that are not benefiting women and girls adequately and drawing these to project staff attention.
  • Develop Terms of References (TORs) with Program Managers for M&E related consultancies 
  •  Facilitate the midterm review and end of project evaluation processes as per the donor and CRS standards for all projects. 
  •  Lead regular M&E reflections sessions with programming teams to capture changes and needs in the field environment/context based on monitoring data, adjustments to M&E plans, and tools. 
  • Promote and support the application of ICT4D in potential project(s) and documentation of best practices in the use of new technology. 
  • Develop accurate and comprehensive beneficiary data tracking across all projects; ensure timely beneficiary data reporting to HQ (during Year End and Annual Program Planning). 

B. Accountability & Learning 

  • Design, facilitate, document and share lessons learned, best practices and results from CRS Nepal programming. This includes the preparation of donor success stories and other high quality program materials. 
  • Work with program teams to ensure that transparent high quality accountability mechanisms are in place, and that beneficiary feedback is adequately captured and responded to by programming teams. 
  • Collaborate with MEAL and program teams to on regular field visits to promote strong program quality and learning. 
  • Contribute to cross learning and actively participate in the sub regional MEAL community of practice with MEAL staff from CRS India, CRS Bangladesh and CRS Sri Lanka. 

C. MEAL Management 

  • Ensure tailored performance annual planning/review and regular coaching for MEAL Officers. 
  • Collaborate with Senior Management on the recruitment and mentorship of new MEAL staff and other CRS project staff. 
  • Mentor MEAL staff to strengthen the technical capacity of local partner staff through on the job training and other means. 
  • Review MEAL budgets to support effective and quality MEAL systems, including ICT if appropriate. 
  • Document MEAL systems, including the creation and maintenance of MEAL Operating Manuals.
  • Coordinate MEAL activities as per the project Detailed Implementation Plan and financial plan. 

D. Capacity-Strengthening 

  • Develop and co-facilitate MEAL workshops/training for staff and partners as needs are identified by Program Managers.
  • Optimize partner participation and capacity development in the design and implementation of MEAL systems and other project activities. 
  • Create opportunities to share country program, sub- regional/regional and CRS M&E tools, processes, and best practices. 

E. Project Design and Proposal Development 

  • Provide technical support to early recovery and reconstruction program staff, especially in the areas of shelter and WASH, livelihoods and disaster risk reduction (DRR), including the design and implementation of assessments, gender analysis, stakeholder analysis, organizational capacity assessments, and any other pre-proposal data collection and analysis. 
  • Work closely with the CRS Technical Advisors and Head of Programming, and provide technical support to develop and review Results Frameworks/ProFrames, M&E plans, Indicator Performance Tracking Tables, analysis plans, baseline survey tools, and programming M&E tools.
  • Provide leadership to the collation of lessons learned and best practices from ongoing programming which captures the impact of activities, and ensure that these are incorporated into the design of new projects. 
  • Significantly contribute to the writing of donor proposals and reports including writing M&E sections, and provide strategic high level feedback throughout the development process 

Key Working Relationships: 
Internal: Head of Program, Country Representative, MEAL Officers, Program staff 

External: Local partner staff, community members, government, consultants, NGOs, donors, sub-regional MEAL community, Regional Technical Advisor for MEAL, and CRS MEAL community. 

Professional Skills: 

  • Master’s Degree in Development, Social Studies, Statistics, Economics or related field and experience working in development in Nepal.
  • Minimum 3-5 years of managerial experience with an NGO, preferably with an INGO with M&E/MIS responsibilities. 
  • Excellent written and oral English and Nepali and substantial experience writing proposals and reports in English. 
  • Expertise in developing project-level theories of change and related MEAL system tools and competencies. 
  • Success in implementing monitoring activities, including timely collection of quality data.
  • Excellent data management (collection, entry, analysis and usage) skills in database use and management through Microsoft Excel and Access and database analysis applications like SPSS, STATA, EpiInfo, others. 
  • Experience with capacity strengthening and partnership building, with the capacity to empower staff through opportunities for growth, development and delegation of appropriate authority and responsibility. 
  • Demonstrated experience working with local counterparts, donors and local stakeholders, with a focus on accountability. 
  • Excellent planning and organization skills and experience with information management systems. 
  • Supervisory experience and management and team building skills, especially in a multicultural setting. 
  • Experience programming and using ICT4D and computer-assisted interviewing tools, such as ODK, iForm, and/or other platforms.
  • Willingness to spend 40% of time traveling in the field. 

Agency-wide Competencies (for all CRS Staff and specifically to MEAL staffs) 
These are rooted in the mission, values, and principles of CRS and used by each staff member to fulfill his or her responsibilities and to achieve the desired results. 

  • Serves with Integrity 
  • Models Stewardship 
  • Cultivates Constructive Relationships 
  • Promotes Learning 
  • Time planning and management 
  • Effective communication and excellent inter-personal skills 
  • Teamwork and networking, values differences 
  • Manages financial resources with integrity 
  • Critical thinking and analysis 
  • Ability to provide opportunities for continuous learning, motivate individual/team/department performance  
  • Proactive and self-motivated approach to work, with an enthusiasm for learning and openness to adapting

Disclaimer Clause:  This job description is not an exhaustive list of the skill, effort, duties, and responsibilities associated with the position.


Detailed job descriptions can be obtained by emailing ; [email protected]

Please apply by sending a CV with a cover letter to [email protected] by September 14, 2016.

Only short listed applicants will be contacted. CRS is an equal opportunity employer committed to a staff composition that reflects the social and ethnic diversity of Nepali Society. 

Applicants from disadvantaged castes, under-represented ethnic groups, persons with disabilities and women are especially encouraged to apply.
CRS' talent acquisition procedures reflect our commitment to protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation.

This job has expired.

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