Winrock International-Hamro Samman Project

Finance Officer (National Position)

Winrock International-Hamro Samman Project

Finance Officer (National Position)

Trafficking in Persons (TIP) is a global problem that is multidimensional and multisectoral and thus is a complex issue that requires multi-disciplinary solutions with many stakeholders. Nepal is a source, transit, and destination country for sex, labor, and organ trafficking. The 2018 “Walk Free Foundations Global Slavery Index” revealed that two-third out of 40.3 million people around the world who have been living under the modern slavery are in Asia and the Pacific. Out of them 70 percent are women and girls. According to that data 6 percent of total population of Nepal are compelled to live under modern slavery (Walk Free Foundations Global Slavery Index can be accessed here). The Hamro Samman project is a five-year program generously supported by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the British people through the United Kingdom’s UK Aid and implemented by Winrock International. It seeks to build the capacity of and facilitate coordination among the Government of Nepal (GON), civil society, and private sector to combat human trafficking in Nepal.
Trafficking in Persons (TIP) is a global problem that is multidimensional and multisectoral and thus is a complex issue that requires multi-disciplinary solutions with many stakeholders. Nepal is a source, transit, and destination country for sex, labor, and organ trafficking. The 2018 “Walk Free Foundations Global Slavery Index” revealed that two-third out of 40.3 million people around the world who have been living under …

Finance Officer (National Position)

Views: 1604 | This job is expired 2 years, 8 months ago

Location: Kathmandu, Nepal, with travel to districts 
Department: Finance  
Reports to: Finance and Administration Manager (FAM) 

Position Summary

Position Purpose: 

The Finance Officer will work with the Finance and Administration Manager ensuring compliances of  local laws, policies and procedures in accordance with Winrock International and USAID. 

Position Overview:  

The Finance Officer will ensure accounting, expenses, reporting, payroll, reconciliation, forecast,  taxation, file management, auditing etc. 

Position Responsibilities:

Major Responsibilities 

  • Assist in implementing and maintaining in-country policies, procedures, forms, and record  maintenance systems that adhere to Winrock International and USAID standards and  requirements.  
  • Accounts Payable: Assist the Finance & Administration Manager (FAM) to generate, record,  execute and reconcile payments through all stages, generation of check and wire requests,  data input into QuickBooks, and bank statement reconciliation. 
  • Accounts Receivable: Assist FAM to develop monthly projections for cash flow needs and  prepare request to Winrock; follow through receipt of funds and bank reconciliations. • Expense Reporting: Review all expense receipts for accuracy, relevance, and legitimacy;  create prescribed monthly expense reports for Winrock HQ. 
  • Payroll: Review staff timesheets for proper signatures and allocation information. Calculate,  execute and record all salaries and accrual/use of fringe, including monthly amounts, bonus,  gratuity, etc. in compliance with signed Employee Agreements. Maintain all records in  accordance with Winrock, USAID and Nepali requirements. 
  •  Bank Reconciliations: Prepare Bank reconcile of all banks accounts and petty cash no less  than monthly and report any discrepancies to FAM. 
  • USAID fiscal requirements: Assist in the preparation of USAID-requested projections,  estimates, VAT tax forms, budget modification requests, etc. on routine schedule and as  requested by FAM. 
  • Records Retention: Organize and maintain all records and files in accordance with general  audit standards (GAAP) and USAID requirements.
  • Audit: Prepare all accounting records in accordance with audit standards (USAID and local),  and oversee on-site work with auditors, as appropriate. 
  • Ad hoc reporting: Prepare documents, ad hoc reports and analysis, as requested by FAM. • Travel: As requested by FAM. 
  • FOV: Prepare soft copy of the monthly FOV. Ensure all supporting receipts are translated  into English and compile and prepare for submission the hard copy of FOV with all  necessary documents. 
  • Prepare the payments, settlement, Receipts and advances vouchers in Quick book ensuring  the existing compliances, Local laws and Policy / procedure of Winrock International and  USAID.  
  • Monitor and follow up the Advances and deposits for the timely settlement and recording Other duties as assigned. 

Position Qualifications:


  • Bachelor's degree in Financial Management or related field. 


  • 5 years of professional experience on Financial Management and a minimum of three years’  relevant experience under USAID or other international projects. 
  • Computer/Technical Skills: 
  • Expertise in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, other office packages. 
  • Communication Skills: 
  • Strong Coordination and effective communication skills required 


  •  Excellent written and oral communication skills in Nepali and English are required  

Required Travel:  

  • Readiness to travel frequently  
  • Position-Specific Skills: 
  • Experience of working in international projects to the highest ethical standards  • Experience on USAID project is preferred 
  • Experience on Quick book 
  • Ability to do the best negotiation to fit the organizational objectives 
  • Sound knowledge of donor contracts, financial and accounting regulations and  procedures 
  • Strong recording and documentation skill required 
  • Knowledge of and adherence to USAID and Winrock International’s code of ethics, and  specifically child safeguarding and trafficking in persons provisions covered in the project  agreement. 

Physical Demands: 

  • Office environment with continual sitting, meeting including travels to districts. 

Winrock is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to providing equal employment opportunity  for all people and value diversity and inclusiveness. Winrock recruits, employs, trains, promotes, and  compensates regardless of race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual  orientation, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition,  family care status, or any other basis protected by law. 

At Winrock we have a clear mission: Empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity, and  sustain natural resources through unwavering dedication to accountability, equity, innovation, integrity, and transformation. 

Winrock knows that its success comes from the hard work and steadfast dedication of its diverse  workforce. Winrock remains committed to maintaining diversity, inclusion, and equity across the entire  organization. 

All employees should adhere to USAID, UK aid and Winrock International’s code of ethics, and specifically  child safeguarding and trafficking in persons provisions covered in the project agreement. 

This job has expired.

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