WaterAid Nepal

NGO / INGO / Development Projects

Tender Category : NGO / INGO/ Social Work
Published Date : Jul 06, 2022
Deadline : July 12, 2022, 5 p.m.
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Water Security and Climate Resilient WASH

Terms of Reference (ToR) to conduct End-line Evaluation of “Water Security and Climate Resilient WASH” project in Dolakha district

Name of project

“Water Security and Climate Resilient WASH”

Project location 

Dolakha district

Project start date

1st August 2018

Project end date

30th September 2022.

Implementing partner

Community Development Forum (CDF)

  1. About WaterAid Nepal

WaterAid Nepal (WAN) was established in 1987 during UN Water and Sanitation Decade, 1981-1990. WAN has a particularly strong track record in supporting local partners for service delivery.  It pioneered the service delivery role of NGOs in the sector and lately has placed an increased emphasis on learning, advocacy and influencing the sector. WAN is continuously working in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) which are basic building blocks of public health.

  1. Background

The project “Water Security and Climate Resilient WASH” is being implemented in Shailung and Kalinchowk rural municipality of Dolakha district from 1st August 2018 to 30th September 2022. It has aimed to ensure water security for vulnerable and marginalised people through functional water supply schemes and equitable access to WASH facilities in communities and schools of two rural municipalities. Further, it aims to empower communities to better understand and exercise their rights, roles, and responsibilities in relation to WASH and strengthen the capacity of the municipal government to better deliver WASH services to their citizens as mandated by Nepal’s constitution. 

The project is underpinned by WaterAid Nepal’s programmatic approach, with ‘water security’ as an overarching theme and led by Recovery and Resilient WASH flagship programme but integrating elements of the organisation’s other three programmes: Reaching the Unreached, Hygiene and Sector Effectiveness. WaterAid’s Programmatic Approach enables us to influence systemic change through joined-up programmatic work that links practical interventions on the ground with capacity building, learning, influencing and advocacy at local, subnational, national and international levels.

The project outcomes are as follows:

  • Vulnerable and marginalised people are served with equitable access to safely managed water services at the household, community, and school levels. 

  • People in targeted communities and schools have access to basic sanitation facilities and are practicing good hygiene behaviours (including MHM)

  • Local government has enhanced capacity and takes action to ensure rights to WASH services (RTWS) and resilient WASH services for targeted communities

Community Development Forum (CDF) Dolakha is an implementing partner organization who has been working to deliver the project interventions with financial and technical support from WaterAid Nepal. 

WaterAid’s Global Evaluation Policy defines an evaluation as an assessment of an on-going or completed project, country programme or strategy, its design, implementation, and results. This evaluation will be the evaluation of project on its design, implementation, and results. WaterAid Nepal (WAN) intends to conduct an independent end-line evaluation to assess results, contextual relevance, quality, value for money, transformative change and sustainability of the project. 

This Terms of Reference (ToR) is developed to solicit consultancy service from a consultancy firm to undertake the End line evaluation. 

  1. Scope and criteria

This evaluation will encompass the entire period of the project. The evaluation will consider minimum criteria and standards from WaterAid’s Global Evaluation Policy, ver. 10 July 2018. Within minimum criteria, the project is to assess based on below criteria. 

a) Contextual relevance assesses the appropriateness of the intervention design and approach in addressing the identified problems, considering the implementation context, adaptability in the context of Covid-19 pandemic and reaching the interventions to the marginalized people. 


b) Results measures the extent to which an intervention has achieved or is likely to achieve its intended, immediate results, i.e. the outputs (efficiency) and outcomes (effectiveness) against results framework (see at the end of ToR). It includes identification of major reasons for achievement or nonachievement of results, and key lessons to inform further implementation or future interventions. 


c) Quality assesses the extent to which the intervention meets WaterAid’s Quality Programme Standards and minimum WASH resilience characteristics. 


d) Transformative change and sustainability assess the potential for, or contribution and progress made in, achieving lasting solutions and behaviour changes through assessing the (a) catalytic effect, (b) scalability and (c) sustainability of interventions. More focussed on sustainability and the extent to which the net benefits of the intervention continue or are likely to continue.

For Detailed ToR Please "CLICK HERE"

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