VSO Nepal

NGO / INGO / Development Projects

Tender Category : Consulting
Published Date : May 06, 2021
Deadline : May 13, 2021, midnight
Views : 1575

Study on Greens Jobs Opportunities for Women Economic Empowerment in Nepal


VSO is an international development agency with over 60 years’ experience of addressing poverty and  marginalisation through our unique approach of working through international, national and community  volunteers. By bringing together different perspectives and working at all levels of society – from  communities to government ministries – volunteers can build trust and provide the right support to ensure  that national development efforts deliver lasting change. Our works falls into the three thematic areas of  Health, Education and Livelihoods. 

VSO Nepal has a short term and longer-term engagement in livelihoods opportunities. In line with the  principles of resilient and inclusive programs, VSO also ensures that such livelihoods opportunities need to  be compatible that bring changes in the most marginalized communities and also be climate responsible.  There exits different policies and practices on inclusive and climate responsive livelihoods opportunities in  Nepal. The country has profound experiences in green economy as part of climate change interventions.  https://www.ilo.org/asia/projects/WCMS_160269/lang--en/index.htm 

These practices are initiated by Government and other civil society organizations. Being these are generic as  there has not been any further analysis on feasibility of these green jobs that caters needs of youth and  women. Therefore, there is need of analysing these green job opportunities from youth and gender  perspectives. It is anticipated that this study will help us to guide VSO in future interventions of promoting  green economy centred around economic empowerment of youth and women. Besides, this will also provide  information on the current policy and best practices on green jobs (Climate responsive) opportunities  targeting women and marginalized youths.  

This country assessment will have a national focus where the consultant will be required to carry out a  thorough desk review to understand the potentialities of Green Jobs and appropriate options targeting  women and youth mainly representing marginalized sections of society.  

Essential/Required qualifications, skills, knowledge and competencies 


  • At least 7 years’ experience in Environment Science, Micro-enterprise promotion including green  enterprises and climate smart livelihood options, biodiversity conservation, natural resource  management , value chain analysis 
  • Experience of conducting analytical research and studies mainly on Green and low carbon solutions,  green jobs, green products for national and international markets, global markets which help for  the alleviate poverty and inequality among different women and youth  


  • In depth knowledge of Green Jobs and associated value chain 
  • Preferable to have knowledge of Local and National Adaption Plan, Disaster Risk Reduction and  other DRR and Climate Change initiatives 
  • Good connections with key players in the sector  
  • Knowledge of then Volunteering for Development approach and VSO 

Application Procedure and Requirement 

  • A cover letter 
  • At least 2 references of previous similar work (letters from previous employers and copies of report) 
  • Technical Proposal which includes the methodology and proposed contents of this assignment. 
  • CV of the proposed team members. 
  • Financial Proposal indicating complete plan and activities as per ToR 
  • Copy of company registration certificate  
  • Copy of PAN/VAT registration certificate (Required Business PAN registration certificate for individual  consultant) 
  • Latest Tax Clearance Certificate of FY 076/77 

For the detailed TOR, please CLICK HERE

Application Submission 

  • The submission closed date is 13th May 2021. 
  • Submissions should be addressed to: [email protected]

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