Accountability Lab Nepal

NGO / INGO / Development Projects

Tender Category : NGO / INGO/ Social Work
Published Date : Jun 04, 2024
Deadline : June 25, 2024, midnight
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Views : 2002

Strengthening Democracy: Voice, Civic Engagement and Accountability Expression of Interest (EOI) for Innovation Grant

Strengthening Democracy: Voice, Civic Engagement and Accountability

Expression of Interest (EOI) for Innovation Grant

Accountability Lab Nepal (ALN) invites Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) to submit their project ideas to promote open, transparent, and participatory governance at a sub-national level in Nepal. The eligible organizations should have a grass-roots network and the capacity to mobilize a pool of young people to advocate around themes such as access to information, youth participation, and government accountability. The proposed projects should empower young people’s role as active agents of change, and engage multiple stakeholders including government bodies, like-minded CBOs, and local media. 

About the Project:

The grant is a part of the “Strengthening Democracy: Voice, Civic Engagement and Accountability” project supported by the European Union and led by a consortium of International Alert (IA), Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), Sancharika Samuha (SASN), and Accountability Lab Nepal (ALN). The project aims to enhance public governance, accountability, and transparency through collaboration between media, civil society organizations (CSOs), and government entities. The project also seeks to promote media freedom and freedom of expression by fostering an independent, pluralistic, and inclusive media landscape.

About Innovation Grant:

The innovation grant is designed to empower local CBOs to expand their existing initiatives or launch new programs that address pressing needs and gaps within their communities. The grant will offer mentorship, capacity-building training, peer learning, and other forms of support for CBOs to build and implement solutions tailored to their specific community contexts. 

The selected CBOs will get an opportunity to work in close collaboration with the local chapters of ALN, FNJ, and SASN. Thus, the applicant CBOs are encouraged to craft ideas that clearly outline such collaborations. The innovation grants largely promote ideas around access to information, youth participation, and government accountability, and should include at least two or more components: 

  1. Youth Engagement and Participation: The project should create platforms for youth to unite, voice their opinions, participate in decision-making, and engage in constructive dialogues.

  1. Evidence-based Local Advocacy: The project should promote and leverage data and evidence to advocate for policy changes and improvement in local governance. 

  2. Policy Intervention and Government Engagement: The projects should engage multi-stakeholders including the government to influence policies, monitor implementation, and promote accountability. 

  3. Network and Coalition Building: The project should form networks, and alliances with other like-minded CBOs, media, youth groups, and other stakeholders to enhance its impact through collective action and resource sharing. 

  4. The proposed project may vary in the local and geographical context. However, the best ideas to be considered are those with a clear objective, specific goal, and action-oriented activity approach.

Objective and Scope of Work:

The Innovation Grant aims to support the existing initiatives of the CBOs whilst also strengthening their organizational capacity, so they can act as catalysts to fostering inclusion, transparency, and accountability in their local governance process. This entails providing substantive support in the existing works while strengthening the organization’s capacities for sustained and impactful engagement for future actions.  

What Does Innovation Grant Offer? 

The selected CBOs will be engaged over 10 months for capacity building, mentorship, and to enhance their networking opportunities.

  • Training and Knowledge Building: the selected CBOs will be provided with in-person and hybrid sessions to create synergies, and further strengthen their knowledge base on issues surrounding access to information and government accountability. 

  • Hands-on mentoring and management support: the CBOs will receive on one-on-one sessions on strategy and problem-solving at each stage; direct assistance with financial management, staff development, event planning, etc.

  • Network and Community Building: relationship-building with key local and international stakeholders; collaboration and idea sharing with other shortlisted CBOs; panel events and online campaigns with accountability actors.

  • Media Outreach: training and opportunities to develop public speaking and writing skills; connections with local and international CSOs and media to ensure maximum exposure; assistance in improving the website, social media channels, and a communications strategy.  

Responsibilities of the Grantee: 

  • Project Management: Ensure overall project management in coordination with ALN and effective stakeholder engagement. Develop and maintain a detailed project plan that includes a timeline, budget, and resource allocation while considering the local and provincial context. 

  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Develop and adopt an M&E plan to track progress and measure outcomes. Ensure the project deliverables are met, engage in reflection and course correction, and track and communicate impact and learning. 

  • Media Outreach and Communication: Create a communication strategy to ensure effective outreach of the activities and advocacy based on the grant's objectives. In addition, alignment of communication materials with ALN and EU branding and communication guidelines is important. 

  • Compliance and Ethical Standards: Follow all legal and regulatory requirements and maintain high ethical standards, ensuring transparency and accountability. 

  • Reporting: Timely communication and reporting as per requirements, including submitting a detailed final report and a financial statement summarizing activities, outcomes, and recommendations.


All interested organizations should submit a Word document in English or Nepali of no more than 5 pages outlining the project narrative and a separate budget sheet.   Submissions should include the following components:

  • Problem Statement
  • Project Goals and Objectives
  • Proposed Approach [why this project and why do you think it will work] 
  • Illustrative Activities with expected outcomes 
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
  • About your organization, relevant past project experience, and project implementing team
  • Detailed budget sheet [With a ceiling of minimum NRs. 5 lakhs to 14 lakhs], with administrative costs not exceeding 25% of the total budget

The maximum timeline for projects will be 10 months.

Timeline and Duration:

Application Open: 4 June 2024 

Open House to Address Application Queries: 14 June 2024
Application Closed: 25 June 2024
Notify Applicants of Acceptance: 10 July 2024
In-Person Orientation: August 2024
Project Implementation Timeline: August 2024-July 2025

Evaluation Process/Selection Criteria:

The consortium will review all proposed ideas based on the following:

Criteria for Technical Proposal 

Marking Schemes

Quality of the Proposal

  • Relevancy: problem statements vs proposed logic model (input, and desired outputs and outcomes) – 10

  • Innovation: innovative approaches, technologies, or methodologies proposed - 10

  • Monitoring and evaluation: proposed monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track progress, measure outcomes, and learn from project implementation - 5

  • Sustainability: resource management, scalability, community involvement, and the ability to continue beyond the initial implementation phase - 5


Experience of Organization and Proposed Team Members: 

  • Team leader/s experience (10) 

  • Experience in similar service (s) worked with other organizations (10)


Technical Methodologies and Appraisal: 

  • An implementation plan with a proposed timeframe as per the scope of work. (5)

  • Proposed methodologies: the proposed action and activities to maximize outcomes and mainstream GESI and marginalization issues. (15)


Financial Proposal




Documents to be Submitted:

  • Registration document

  • Copy of financial audit report of the last two years (if applicable)

  • PAN registration certificate

Deadline and Selection Modalities: Interested and eligible CBOs are invited to submit the application documents (technical proposal and financial proposal) submitted separately with required documents by 25 June 2024 at 12.00 am NPT by sending an email to [email protected] and cc [email protected]

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