VSO Nepal

NGO / INGO / Development Projects

Tender Category : Healthcare and Equipment
Published Date : Mar 03, 2021
Deadline : March 9, 2021, 11:55 p.m.
Views : 986



VSO is an international development agency with over 60 years’ experience of addressing poverty and marginalisation through our unique approach of working through international, national and community volunteers. By bringing together different perspectives and working at all levels of society – from communities to government ministries – volunteers can build trust and provide the right support to ensure that national development efforts deliver lasting change.  Our works falls into the three thematic areas of Health, Education and Livelihoods. 

The Global Health Practice Area is embarking on a Global Portfolio Programme design process to identify how VSO’s Volunteering for Development (VfD) methodology can be scaled up across our health portfolio. One of the key stages of this global portfolio programme design process is to conduct a number of in-country SRMNCAH contextual analyses in order to determine the issues/gaps/bottlenecks that are preventing the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the health Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and that are exacerbated as a result of e.g. COVID-19, other shocks and stresses, gender discrimination, social exclusion and a lack of accountability amongst duty bearers. 

This exercise will help identify the opportunities that exist for VSO’s VfD methodology to contribute towards the delivery of the health goals in each country but also at a global level. It is expected that a series of recommendations around how the VfD methodology could take to scale for greater impact and Influence to transform the health and social well-being of the Primary Actors will emerge. 

VSO Nepal envisions a world where excluded and marginalized people including  people with disability(PWDs),  people living with HIV (PLWHIV), LGBTQI populations, adolescents, youth, prisoners, sex workers and drug users are empowered to exercise their  Sexual, reproductive health and rights(SRHR) and enjoy healthier and safer lives. VSO works at the level of individuals, families, communities, services, systems and polices. We aim to achieve behavioral change and build confidence in young people, to create a supportive and enabling family and community environment, to build capacity of service providers working in the health system, and to influence positive policy responses that meet the needs of youth and adolescents. 

This country assessment will build on the current SRMNCAH programme pillars focusing on 1) Health workforce capacity development (Supply Side), 2) individual and Community engagement (demand Side) and 3) linkage and referral. (health systems strengthening).  

This country assessment will have a national focus where the consultant will be required to carry out a thorough desk review to understand the SRMNCAH situation in the country.  The desk review will help identify areas of an in-depth analysis with key informants and primary actors. He/She will also review evidence drawn from VSO’s programming to draw best practice and lessons for future programming. The findings from this assessment will help  inform the shape of the future Health portfolio in the country reflecting the VSO’s global people first strategy and VFD methodology.


  • At least 7 years’ experience in Public Health and especially in SRMNCAH and Health Systems Strengthening, Primary Health Care
  • Experience of conducting analytical research and studies
  • Strategy and Theory of Change development
  • Experience in delivery or engagement with UN/AU systems around Health SDGs or Agenda 2063 targets 

  • In depth knowledge of Health (SRHR and MNCH), at country level
  • Good knowledge of the principles of Universal Health Coverage and of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as they relate to health 
  • Good connections with key players in the sector 
  • Knowledge of then Volunteering for Development approach and VSO 


  • Professionalism: Knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and approaches relevant to strategic planning at organizational level. demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results
  • Communication: Strong in written and oral communication; ; a good listener;  demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.
  • Planning & Organizing:  identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.
  • Accountability: Takes ownership of all responsibilities and honours commitments; delivers outputs for which one has responsibility within prescribed time, cost and quality standards; operates in compliance with organizational regulations and rules


Application procedure and requirement

  • A cover letter
  • At least 2 references of previous similar work (letters from previous employers and copies of report)
  • Technical Proposal which includes the methodology and proposed contents of this assignment.
  • CV of the proposed team members.
  • Financial Proposal 
  • Copy of company registration certificate 
  • Copy of PAN/VAT registration certificate (Required Business PAN registration certificate for individual consultant)
  • Latest Tax Clearance Certificate FY 076/77

Application submission:

  • The submission closed date is 9th March, 2021.
  • Submissions should be addressed to: [email protected]

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