Ipas Nepal

NGO / INGO / Development Projects

Consultancy to Develop Package for Natural Leader

Position: Individual consultant or a consultancy firm can apply for the assignment 
Number of Position: 1
Assignment Period: May 14, 2020 till June 12, 2020 ( 25 days).
Application Deadline: Sunday, May 3, 2020


Ipas Nepal is planning to develop the package of “Natural Leaders (NL) on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) including safe abortion. This package will include the selection criteria, module for building their capacity, mobilizing at different level and tracking their involvement. In this project, we anticipate NL are women of reproductive age from the disadvantaged and highly marginalized communities who can assert their own rights. 


A natural leader is inspired and inspiring, and often inspiring others to, themselves, be inspiring. A natural leader is the heart, rather than the head, of an organization, radiating both passion and love. A natural leader encourages rather than directs. A natural leader enables rather than the controls.  (https://mcadsustainabledesign.com/12_characters/

Role and Responsibilities: 

  • Develop a 4 days Training Package Manual and Facilitators Guidebook  with the major contents to be included on Leadership, facilitation and communication, mobilization, Rights Based Approach to development, Advocacy, Policy analysis focusing on SMRHR, role of state and civil society, social norms analysis, agency, critical mass and formation and mobilization of constituency
  • Prepare work-plan for the tasks to be carried out along with timeline and share with Youth and Community Engagement Sr Advisor
  • Finalization of contents of the Training Package Manual of Natural Leaders and prepare the complete Training Package Manual for Natural Leaders on selection criteria, module for building their capacity, mobilizing at different level and tracking their involvements, etc. as per assigned
  • And prepare a Facilitators Guidebook for a one-day refresher training to be given to the selected Natural Leaders
  • Present the draft Training Package Manual of Natural Leaders and Facilitator Guidebook to the Ipas Nepal Team for feedback
  • Consolidate feedback and suggestion given by Ipas Nepal Team, and incorporate them and submit the final in final Training Package Manual of Natural Leaders and Facilitator Guidebook

Qualification and Experiences:

  • Minimum requirement is for candidate with Master’s degree in social science preferred in sociology, gender and public health, Or a consultancy firm who have professional experts working in this field can apply
  • The applicant should hold more than 5 years of experiences in preparing guidelines, training packages and modules in SRHR including safe abortion issues
  • With demonstrated experience on Rights Based Approach to Development, Advocacy, Governance, Gender and Social Norms analysis
  • With experience and proven analytical skills in developing training manuals and facilitators guidebook on similar area
  • Should be a highly qualified professional capable of lending their expertise in the desired field
  • Must have excellent written, communication and interpersonal skills

Applying Procedure:

Interested candidates should submit application along with up-to-date curriculum vitae with subject as Application for “Consultancy assignment to develop package for Natural Leaders “.

Please make an online application and submit your documents through the link given:


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