The Asia Foundation

NGO / INGO / Development Projects

Tender Category : NGO / INGO/ Social Work
Published Date : Jul 03, 2024
Deadline : July 10, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
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Call for Proposals: South Asia Grants Program (SAGP) Phase II Term of Reference (TOR) to conduct final evaluation of SAGP Phase II

South Asia Grants Program (SAGP) Phase II

Term of Reference (TOR) to conduct final evaluation of SAGP Phase II


The Asia Foundation is a non-profit international development organization committed to improving lives across a dynamic and developing Asia-Pacific. Informed by six decades of experience and deep local expertise, our work across the region is focused on good governance, women’s empowerment and gender equality, inclusive economic growth, environment and climate action, and regional and international relations. The Asia Foundation has been implementing the South Asia Grants Program (SAGP) since September 28, 2019, as the Fund Manager. Designed as a flexible mechanism to respond to existing contexts and emerging opportunities, the SAGP has been coalescing and supporting actions around four priority areas - Fiscal and Institutional; Political; Informational; and Social - and through four targeted funding windows. Beneficiary countries include Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Over 32 months, SAGP has supported 87 CSOs in the region. 

Phase II

The strategic focus for Phase-2 interventions will be to continue the support extended to CSOs in the region to address and mitigate challenges of advancing public sector transparency, accountability, openness, inclusion, and the rule of law in South Asia. The three objectives identified for the Phase II are:

  • To provide flexible and responsive funding and program support that deepens CSO engagement in governance work  

  • to support CSOs to form coalitions under three thematic areas i) countering disinformation ii) environmental governance iii) gender equality and social inclusion  

  • to enhance the functional capacities of CSO grantees that have built capacity following the Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) exercise from Phase I to lead coalitions in the region  

The program approach and prioritization of activities in Phase II are informed by a set of enabling developments and opportunities by opening civic spaces, fighting corruption, and bolstering civic participation in and oversight of democratic institutions and practices. Phase II also responds to the need for flexible and responsive funding by tailoring program strategies to country specific development and governance contexts by supporting well established CSOs (Civil Society Organizations) to build on to their foundational work and by incubating and strengthening in-country and regional coalitions to widen the base of CSOs engaged in governance work by supporting collaborative work, sharing knowledge, and promoting enabling practices and approaches to consolidate the gains from SAGF and ensure continuity of information and knowledge sharing beyond the life cycle of the project. Finally, Phase II also consolidates gains from Phase I by supporting existing grantees through additional time and support needed to help them effectively round out and complete their projects and adapt to constant operating environment shifts. 

SAGP phase II has 12 total partners (8 from Nepal and 4 from Bhutan) working on different objectives. In the theme of countering disinformation, CESIF, PEI, and SWATEE are leading in-country coalitions dedicated to combating misinformation through research and media literacy. Concurrently, the NIURS, CEO, and V-ROCK coalition focuses on Environmental Governance, advocating for sustainable practices and policies. Regionally, ISET-N-NP, CEJ-BG, and CPD-SL collaborate on Environmental Governance, promoting cross-border initiatives for policy coherence. Additionally, JSW and RENEW form an organic coalition emphasizing Gender Equality and Social Inclusion, empowering marginalized communities, and advocating for gender equality. These coalitions illustrate effective collaboration across diverse themes to address pressing social, environmental, and governance challenges.

Objectives and Scope of Work:

The overall objective of this assessment is to assess the outcomes and impacts of SAGP Phase II interventions (January 2023 to December 2024) and document the findings. Given the team already has substantial information and evidence for outcomes one and three, this assessment will focus on outcome two, exploring more in depth the outcomes and impacts of interventions focused on coalition and network building.

Below are the questions that the assessment required to answer (as a minimum not limited to):

  1. What are the expected and unexpected impacts of the coalitions on the civil society organization members?

  2.  What were the processes that supported coalition formation? What factors enabled their formation and their ability to take actions?

  3. To what extent have coalitions achieved their common goals or taken collective action toward a shared objective?  

  4. What evidence is there suggesting that coalitions helped to preserve or expand civic space in Nepal?

Key Evaluation Tasks:

Desk Review: The Consultant will intensively review the program documents like Proposal, MERL Plan, Concept notes, etc. 

Interaction with the SAGP Program team: The consultant will have initial meetings with the SAGP team to better understand the program and the TOR.

Development of Evaluation Framework:

The consultant will identify and map relevant stakeholders and partner organizations in both Nepal and Bhutan for consultations. Additionally, the consultant will develop an assessment plan that includes an effective evaluation framework, incorporating appropriate tools and techniques to assess the impacts of program activities according to the three program objectives. As part of the first deliverable i.e. evaluation plan, the consultant will detail specific questions and outline the methods for collecting and analyzing data to answer these questions comprehensively.

Field Visits:

The consultant will visit the program intervention locations in Nepal and Bhutan and conduct consultations, both in-person and/or virtually, with key stakeholders. These stakeholders include program beneficiaries, implementing partners, the program team (from Nepal and Bhutan), and any other relevant stakeholders. 

Submission of Report:

The consultant is expected to share a preliminary evaluation plan outlining the methodology for the program team to review. After completing the assessment, the consultant will submit the final report, which will highlight the findings, conclusions, learnings, and recommendations. Additionally, the consultant will develop a two-page document summarizing the key findings, conclusions, learnings, and recommendations for broader program use.

Deliverables and Timeline:

The duration of the assessment will be one and a half months, tentatively starting on July 15, 2024. The key deliverables for the assessment are as follows:

Assessment Plan: Develop and submit a brief assessment plan outlining the methodology and field plan. Submit the assessment plan to the TAF team for review and feedback.

Field Visits and Interviews: Conduct field visits and interviews (both in-person and virtual).

Draft Report: Submit a draft report for the program team to review.

Final Report: Submit the final report incorporating feedback.

Summary Document: Provide a two-page summary document highlighting the key findings, lessons learned, and recommendations.

Final Presentation: Conduct a final presentation with the program team.

Qualification and Experiences:

The consultant will be selected through a competitive process. Required expertise, experiences, and competencies include:

  • At least six years of professional experience in program evaluation or similar assessment.

  • Strong analytical and communication skills.

Experience of working in impact assessment of regional projects is an advantage. 

Submission of Expression of Interest:

Interested individuals are requested to submit the following:

  • Cover letter expressing interest and outlining relevant experience.

  • Curriculum vitae highlighting relevant qualifications and expertise.

  • A short evaluation plan of a maximum of three (3) pages presenting the understanding of the task by outlining the assessment approach & content focus.

  • A detailed timeline and proposed budget for the assessment. 

Submissions must be emailed to [email protected] by 10th July 2024. Submissions received before or on this date shall be evaluated, and individuals who are deemed qualified will be shortlisted and contacted for further information. Late submissions will not be entertained.

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