B.P. Eye Foundation (BPEF), a national NGO with mission to eliminate avoidable blindness and deafness, was established in 1991. Its collaboration with Tribhuwan University resulted in establishment of a center of excellence for human resources for eye health at Tribhuwan University. This strategic partnership helped Nepal in achieving national self-reliance in human resources development for eye health, turning out over 150 Ophthalmologists and over 100 Optometrists. Prior to this, the country was totally dependent on other countries. With this program, Nepal is now helping other countries for training their eye care workers.
It’s current project – Hospital for children, Eye, ENT, and Rehabilitation Services (CHEERS), has served over half a million people in the first 6 years and developed a successful model of integrated Vision and hearing care. The Center is now poised to train different categories of Ear care personnel to help Nepal achieve self-reliance in HRH training and expansion of services.
B.P. Eye Foundation (BPEF), a national NGO with mission to eliminate avoidable blindness and deafness, was established in 1991. Its collaboration with Tribhuwan University resulted in establishment of a center of excellence for human resources for eye health at Tribhuwan University. This strategic partnership helped Nepal in achieving national self-reliance in human resources development for eye health, turning out over 150 Ophthalmologists and …
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बी. पी. नेत्र प्रतिष्ठान बाल, आँखा, कान, नाक, घाँटी एवं पुनः स्थापना सेवाका लागि निम्न उल्लेखित पदहरूमा कर्मचारी आवश्यक भएकाले सूचना प्रकाशित भएको मितिले १० दिन भित्र बायोडाटा लगायतका कागजात सहित कार्यालयमा सम्पर्क राख्नको लागि आह्वान गरिन्छ ।
कर्मचारीको तलब भत्ता तथा सेवा सुविधा संस्थाको नियमानुसार हुनेछ ।
आवेदन फाराम बुझाउने अन्तिम मिति २०८१/१०/१७ रहेको छ । दरखास्त आवेदन फाराम यस अस्पतालको प्रशासन शाखाबाट संकलन गर्न सकिनेछ ।
फोन नं. 01-6631705, 01-6639735, 9840070491
Note: Only short-listed candidates will be called for an interview.
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