Winrock International-Hamro Samman Project

Consultant – To Provide Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Traini…

Winrock International-Hamro Samman Project

Consultant – To Provide Gender Equality and Socia…

Trafficking in Persons (TIP) is a global problem that is multidimensional and multisectoral and thus is a complex issue that requires multi-disciplinary solutions with many stakeholders. Nepal is a source, transit, and destination country for sex, labor, and organ trafficking. The 2018 “Walk Free Foundations Global Slavery Index” revealed that two-third out of 40.3 million people around the world who have been living under the modern slavery are in Asia and the Pacific. Out of them 70 percent are women and girls. According to that data 6 percent of total population of Nepal are compelled to live under modern slavery (Walk Free Foundations Global Slavery Index can be accessed here). The Hamro Samman project is a five-year program generously supported by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the British people through the United Kingdom’s UK Aid and implemented by Winrock International. It seeks to build the capacity of and facilitate coordination among the Government of Nepal (GON), civil society, and private sector to combat human trafficking in Nepal.
Trafficking in Persons (TIP) is a global problem that is multidimensional and multisectoral and thus is a complex issue that requires multi-disciplinary solutions with many stakeholders. Nepal is a source, transit, and destination country for sex, labor, and organ trafficking. The 2018 “Walk Free Foundations Global Slavery Index” revealed that two-third out of 40.3 million people around the world who have been living under …

Consultant – To Provide Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Training

Views: 1830 | This job is expired 2 years, 11 months ago


The Hamro Samman Project is seeking GESI trainer to deliver GESI training for Hamro Samman team and partner’s  staff. Hamro Samman consider GESI as a cross-cutting theme under three objectives using the 4P approach (prevention,  protection, prosecutions & partnership): 

  1. Strengthened Federal, Provincial and Local GoN Efforts to Combat TIP 
  2. Strengthened Federal, Provincial and Local GoN Efforts to Combat TIP 
  3. Increase Private Sector Partnerships (PSPs) to Service TIP Survivors and At-Risk Population. 

The project expects GESI should be mainstreaming in program planning, implementation, and monitoring. GESI understanding and capacity  of the staff is one of the influential factors for GESI mainstreaming in programming. Project mid-term evaluation identified staff capacity gaps on GESI for critical understanding and internalization of GESI through conscientization. 

The report further elaborates there is little reflection on GESI principle and transformative approach in program implementation.  The purpose of this assignment is to build capacity development of HS team and partner’s staff on GESI basic concept  and it importance in Anti-human trafficking intervention, GESI transformative approach, GESI responsive planning and  implementation. Additionally, staff need to equip on social norms transformation, attitude/behavior change, challenge  harmful gender norms, and men engage approach to bring positive change and transformation. The TOR requires a  qualified consultant who has in-depth understanding of gender equality, historical perspective on social  exclusion/inclusion and who can be mindful regarding GESI analysis, power dynamic and its impacts on programming. 

Tasks and Output:

The Consultant will undertake the following duties and responsibilities: 

  • Develop a contains and PPT slides package for GESI training on the above mention topics in overview. 
  • Deliver two events (two-day training session) to HS and partner staff.  
  • Provide a constructive report after delivery of training sessions.  

Timing, Duration and Location

This will be fixed term deliverables-based consultant contract. The expected date of this consultancy will be last week  of August or early September 2021. The consultancy period will be one week, and tentative breakdown of the days is as  follow:  

S NDeliverableDays
1Preparation contains and PPT slides2 days
2Delivery training session4 days
3Report preparation and submission1 day

Depending on the COVID situation, we will decide on the training venue, whether it will be virtually or physically as per  government guidelines. 


Education: Minimum a master’s degree in Gender/Women’s study/social science related field 

Technical: Good theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding on GESI, gender and social norms, GESI  concerns on CTIP and foreign labor migration, men engage approach. 


  • The applicant must have extensive experiences on developing and delivering the content and  training on GESI, GESI issues in human trafficking, gender and power relation and gender  transformative approach 
  • The applicant must have extensive knowledge on gender, GBV, intersectionality, social exclusion  and inclusion, and related laws and policy.  
  • Capacity to present the content in clear way to the targeted participants in very simple manner with  practical example. 
  • The applicants should have relevant academic background and demonstrating strong experience on  GESI training facilitation.  
  • Excellent report writing skills in English.

This job has expired.

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