ActionAid International Nepal

Associate Programme Support Officer

ActionAid International Nepal

Associate Programme Support Officer

ActionAid is a global justice federation working in over 45 countries to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication. ActionAid International Nepal (AAIN) is a member of the global federation of ActionAid, working for human rights, poverty eradication and gender equality. It is a non-governmental national social justice organization established in 1982 and working locally in different provinces of Nepal. It is also a part of national and global social justice movements and other civil society networks, alliances, and coalitions. Shaped and driven by our values, vision, and mission, we work for transformative and structural social changes through people’s active agencies. We believe in human rights and embrace the Human Right Based Approach to fight against not only the symptoms but also the structural causes of poverty, injustice, and inequality. Discriminated, excluded, and exploited people – particularly women and girls – living in poverty and injustice, whose rights are denied or violated, are our primary stakeholders. We take sides with them and stand by them; their stories, energy and activism inspire us and our work. AAIN believes that young people are the driving force and energy to bring positive changes in the community and therefore AAIN will work with young people while keeping women and girls at the center among people living in poverty and exclusions.

ActionAid is a global justice federation working in over 45 countries to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication. ActionAid International Nepal (AAIN) is a member of the global federation of ActionAid, working for human rights, poverty eradication and gender equality. It is a non-governmental national social justice organization established in 1982 and working locally in different provinces of Nepal. It is also …

Associate Programme Support Officer

Views: 4175 | This job is expired 2 years, 4 months ago

Role Overview

This role is responsible to provide general programmatic as well as administrative  support to Programme Operations as well as Thematic Units under Programme  Policy Department. This role supports in implementing projects and thematic  initiatives including but not limited to planning, implementation, monitoring,  documentation, and partnership (partner, network partner and consultants)  management of assigned projects and thematic initiatives.  

S/he is also responsible to lead or contribute to the following institutional  priorities as per the requirements of ActionAid International Nepal (AAIN):  

  • Human right based approach (HRBA)  
  • Feminist Leadership  
  • Sexual Harassment, Exploitation and Abuse (SHEA) & Safeguarding (including  Child Safeguarding)  
  • Behavioral Change Approach (BCA)  
  • Safety and Security

Key Accountabilities/  Responsibilities 

Key Activities

Budgeting and  Planning

  • Contribute to prepare assigned partners’ plan of the project/s and budget
  • Engage with Finance to resolve financial issues related to expenditures in  project(s) and thematic key initiatives 
  • Contribute and support in preparation of project plans, budget, and rolling  out of thematic operation calendar 
  • Support in implementation of Programme Policy Departmental Plan


  • Monitor projects’ and department’s initiatives progress towards plan and  objective, timelines, and follow up with concerned team members for timely  implementation
  • Collaborate with Programme Manager and Thematic Specialists to actively  monitor the evolving/emerging context to ensure quality and innovation in  the implemented projects 
  • Facilitate partners for participatory programme/project review process 
  • Develop/use the tools for activity/ output monitoring and closely monitor the  implementation status  
  • Organize field observation of activities implementation and provide  suggestion to partners based on the field monitoring referring to the original  plan and budget


        • Contribute to prepare project reports as per agreement with the relevant  funding agency, departmental initiatives(event) report, and meeting minutes
        • Support and contribute partners to generate quality reports, impact stories  and community voice of assigned projects 
        • Submit individual monthly/quarterly work plans and progress reports to Line  Manager on a timely basis

        Corporate  Responsibilities

        • Actively engage in advocacy and alliance building by creating connection with  different networks and alliances, and strengthen networking with local  donors, programmatic partnership, and collaboration 
        • Participate and support in different organizational priority events (such as  social audit, PRLM) as and when required

        Education & Certifications

        • Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent with two years of relevant experience 
        • Good partnership management skill and experience  
        • Experience of working in a multi-cultural environment 
        • Experience of working with networks and alliances

        Essential Knowledge

        • Good understanding of documentation and information management 
        • Basic understanding of programme management, project cycle management  best practices in non-profit organizations 
        • Good understanding of programme review, monitoring and evaluation 
        • Basic understanding of the issues of women rights, education and youth,  resilient livelihood, DRR and Humanitarian response 
        • Good command in English and Nepali typing 
        • Experience of working with I/NGOs

        Essential skills

        • Creative and innovative  
        • Problem solving 
        • Presentation and communication 
        • Report writing 
        • Strategy and concepts formulation 
        • Partnership relationship management 
        • Proficiency in MS Office Package and programme management tools and  techniques. Skill on some content design and presentation software would be  an added advantage

        Personality trait

        • Take initiatives 
        • Collaborative 
        • Diplomatic 
        • Influencing 

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