Sustainable WASH for All (SusWA)

Annotated Water Integrity Scan Facilitator

Sustainable WASH for All (SusWA)

Annotated Water Integrity Scan Facilitator

Sustainable WASH for All (SusWA) is a bilateral WASH sector project funded by the Government of Nepal (GoN), the Government of Finland (GoF) and the European Union, to be implemented in Karnali Province, Nepal.

Annotated Water Integrity Scan Facilitator

Views: 1938 | This job is expired 1 year, 2 months ago

Intervention Name

Annotated Water Integrity Scan (AWIS) Workshop facilitation ToT


Karnali Province, Nepal

Number of days

5 person days- national expert


August/September 2023

Reports to

Governance specialist

Intervention Language

English /Nepali

This assignment aims to train the SUSWA team and relevant stakeholders in the AWIS methodology and skills to facilitate AWIS workshops in working LGs.

The specific objectives of this assignment are:

  • Review and update the existing AWIS workshop manual with recent good practices in Nepal, and check the consistency of the AWIS methodology with the SUSWA Program Implementation Manual (PIM). This manual should include clear explanations and provide all necessary templates required to effectively implement the workshop in LGs. (Estimated 1 day of effort).
  • Organise and facilitate a provincial ToT AWIS workshop, ensuring the participation of key stakeholders to train them on AWIS methodology and to let them acquire the skills to facilitate AWIS workshops in working LGs. (Estimated 1 day workshop).
  • To implement 2 AWIS workshops in selected working LGs, utilising trained resource persons who have completed the Training of Trainers (ToT) program. These resource persons will effectively deliver the workshop, ensuring its successful implementation at the LG level. (Estimated 1 day workshop each).

Please download full ToR here and submit your CV by 10th September, 2023

This job has expired.

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