Advisor – Social Health Protection


Advisor – Social Health Protection

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH invites applications from suitable candidates to work with Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme (REEEP)- Green Recovery and Empowerment with Energy in Nepal GREEN.

REEEP-GREEN is a technical cooperation project agreed between the Government of Nepal (GoN) and the Federal Republic of Germany. With support of GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and co-financed by the European Union, REEEP-GREEN is executed by the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation and sets out to improve the preconditions for planning and implementation of measures for the promotion of renewable energies and the efficient use of energy in Nepal. The main objective of REEEP-GREEN is to create the regulatory, institutional, and private-sector conditions for disseminating renewable energy and improving energy efficiency in Nepal. REEEP-GREEN uses a multi-level approach consisting of five output areas: Output 1: Policy- Institutional and Regulatory Framework for Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) at National Level; Output 2: Institutional Frameworks for RE and EE at Subnational Levels; Output 3: Sustainable Market Development for RE; Output 4: Dissemination of Results in the field of RE and EE; and Output 5: Energy Efficiency in Industries and Enterprises.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH invites applications from suitable candidates to work with Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme (REEEP)- Green Recovery and Empowerment with Energy in Nepal GREEN.

REEEP-GREEN is a technical cooperation project agreed between the Government of Nepal (GoN) and the Federal Republic of Germany. With support of GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation …

Advisor – Social Health Protection

Views: 3411 | This job is expired 1 year ago

Position: Advisor – Social Health Protection
Duty Station: Kathmandu


The position holder will support the effective implementation of Output 1 on Social Health Protection. The aim of this assignment is to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Health Insurance Board (HIB) and to improve the core insurance processes. 

The position holder is responsible for: 

  • Providing advice to partners on social health protection and health insurance
  • Developing technical concepts and knowledge packages including policy briefs and presentations
  • Stakeholder management and facilitating the collaboration between government stakeholders, project management, sub-contractors and consultants
  • Designing, implementing and documenting meetings, workshops, seminars and other events in relation to the activity
  • Assisting with general project planning and developing project concepts including preparation, monitoring, quality management, evaluation, communication and documentation
  • Coordinating relevant project activities at local level in consultation with the manager and in cooperation with the partners, both as regards implementation and preparing organizational aspects
  • Closely coordinate with GIZ advisors and other developers to strengthen digital solutions for effective management of the health schemes
  • Documenting good practice examples of health insurance implementation in selected provinces and municipalities
  • Advice partners with research activities and studies regarding the implementation of the national health insurance. 
  • Contributing to knowledge transfer to project information.  

Where appropriate and reasonable, the position holder is willing to perform tasks outside the scope of the job description


  • Masters in Public Health, Health Economics, Social Sciences from a recognized university
  • At least 5 years professional experience in a comparable position 
  • In-depth understanding of health sector and health financing mechanism in Nepal
  • Very good knowledge of international experiences and evidence on health insurance and health financing reforms in other countries as well as of the current international debate 
  • Very good working knowledge of ITC technologies and computer applications (e.g. MS Office)
  • Fluent written and oral knowledge of the English and Nepali language 
  • Willingness to upskill as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding measures are agreed with management

This job has expired.

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