मनो–सामाजिक विमर्शकर्ता– १…


मनो–सामाजिक विमर्…

HURAC is a non-profitable non-governmental organization working in Rolpa district for more than/since 20 years in the field of Human Rights, Advocacy, Education, Livelihood, Child Protection and Accountability. HURAC has aimed to promote peace, stability and sustainable development in Rolpa. HURAC has previous working experiences collaborating with different Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and government authorities for improving livelihoods and human rights of marginalized and vulnerable communities such as children, women including single mothers, youths, people/Children with disability and senior citizens, Dalits and ethnic minorities. HURAC, Nepal child safe guarding policy with high importance and commits and rigorous procedures to ensure all our programs are safe for children. Candidate will be, therefore, subject to strict background checks.  

HURAC hereby invites application from interested and qualified candidates for the following full-time positions for the Stromme Foundation funded programme- Socio-Economic Empowerment with Dignity and Sustainability of Rolpa district. The goal of project is by the end of 2023, 1100 Households marginalized community people enjoyed dignified life" through the provision of strengthening public sector and civil society, inclusive quality education and stable livelihoods and decent income options.

HURAC is a non-profitable non-governmental organization working in Rolpa district for more than/since 20 years in the field of Human Rights, Advocacy, Education, Livelihood, Child Protection and Accountability. HURAC has aimed to promote peace, stability and sustainable development in Rolpa. HURAC has previous working experiences collaborating with different Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and government authorities for improving livelihoods and human rights of marginalized and …

मनो–सामाजिक विमर्शकर्ता– १ जना

Views: 10693 | This job is expired 6 years, 9 months ago

योग्यता तथा अनुभव​ à¤ƒ 

कम्तिमा प्रविणता प्रमाण पत्र गरि  à¤®à¤¨à¥‹–सामाजिक विमर्श सम्बन्धि ६ महिना तालिम लिई सम्बन्धित क्षेत्रमा कम्तिमा २ वर्षको अनुभव, कम्प्युटर र इन्टरनेट सम्बन्धि दखल भएको, अंग्रेजी तथा नेपालीमा प्रतिवेदन लेख्न र बोल्न सक्ने ७५ प्रतिशत फिल्डमा रहेर काम गर्नु पर्ने ।

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