Sajha Byabasaya SIP Bikas

प्रशिक्षक र सहायक प्रशिक्षक

Sajha Byabasaya SIP Bikas

प्रशिक्षक र सहायक प्रशिक्षक

Sajha Byabasaya Sip Bikash Pvt. Ltd (in short SBSB Chapur) is a private sector training and employment service providing organization legally registered at Company Registrar Office, Tripureshwor Kathmandu on AD 2010 Dec. 10th .It has got affiliation with Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) to provide short term vocational skill development training for 10 trades. The main aim of the company is to provide skill development training and employment linkage of the skill graduates. It has been providing skill training and employment linkage services since year 2011 to till date.

It has provided skill training on various trades/occupations such as Mason, Junior Brick Layer Mason, Building Electrician, Plumbing, Steel Furniture Maker, Carpet Weaver, Hand Embroidery, Arc Welder, Mobile Phone Repair, Motor Cycle Service Mechanics, Dress Maker, Junior Poultry Technician, and Village Animal Health Worker (VAHW), The company  been following CTEVT developed  Training Manuals, Curriculum, Occupational Skill Standard and Occupational Profile for delivering skill training on the above mentioned trades. In year 2071, the company has received affiliation with CTEVT on six traders, and further in year 2074 additional affiliation for four trades received.

It has 50 TOT oriented trainers trained by TITI, which is based on DUDBC guideline. Some of them are Civil Overseers while some have passed Skill Test level-3 from CTEVT. The company has competent and experienced trainers, coordinators and operational staffs to manage the training program effective and successfully. This company is based at Chandrapur Municipality of Rautahat district. The main geographical working areas of the company are Bara, Parsa, Sarlahi, Mohattari, Saptari, Sindhuli and Rautahat districts. It has further plan to expand its area throughout the Nation.  The company has experienced staffs and trainers in TEVT and enterprising sectors.

The main objectives of the organization are:

  1. To provide skill training as per labor market demand and provide job placement services to youth who are going for self employment.
  2. To provide entrepreneurial training and business management training to the micro entrepreneurs to provide enterprising and employment creation services as demanded by companies, NGOs/INGOs and GOs.
  3. To conduct feasibility study market/research for product development and develop training manuals etc.
  4. To conduct, off-farm and on-farm based skill training, enterprise creation and enterprise development training.
  5. To involve and conduct research based interventions to support sustainable development for micro enterprise development projects.


Sajha Byabasaya Sip Bikash Pvt. Ltd (in short SBSB Chapur) is a private sector training and employment service providing organization legally registered at Company Registrar Office, Tripureshwor Kathmandu on AD 2010 Dec. 10th .It has got affiliation with Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) to provide short term vocational skill development training for 10 trades. The main aim of the company is …

प्रशिक्षक र सहायक प्रशिक्षक

Views: 3015 | This job is expired 3 years, 9 months ago

साझा  ब्यवसाय सिप विकास प्रा.लि.

चन्द्रपुर-, रौतहट

प्रशिक्ष र सहायक प्रशिक्ष आवश्यक्ता सम्वन्धि सुचना

युरोपियन यूनियनको आर्थिक सहयोग र ब्रिटिश काउन्सिलको व्यवस्थापनमा साझा  ब्यवसाय सिप विकास प्रा.लि. को आयोजनामा संचालन हुने कृषि उधमको लागी सिप परियोजना अन्तर्गत प्रदेश नं. २ का रौतहट, सर्लाही, महोत्तरी र धनुषामा जिल्लामा  विभिन्न विषयहरुमा संचालन हने ३९० घण्टे (तिन महिने निशुल्क तालिम) ग्रामिण पशु स्वास्थ्य कार्यकर्ता र जुनीयर पोल्ट्री फार्म वर्कर तालिम संचालन गर्नको लागी तपशिलमा उल्लेख भए अनुसारका योग्यता भएका प्रशिक्षक र सहायक प्रशिक्षकहरुका लागी यो सूचना प्रकाशित गरिएको छ।



आबश्यक शैक्षिक योग्यता:

  •  सम्बन्धित बिषयमा तह-२ मा TSLC वा सो सरह 
  • TITI बाट- TOT लिएको 
  • कम्तिमा ३ बर्ष तालिममा मुख्य प्रशिक्षक भई काम गरेको 

पद: सहायक प्रशिक्षक


आबश्यक शैक्षिक योग्यता:

  • सम्बन्धित बिषयमा तह-१ वा सो सरह, TSLC वा सो सरह
  • TITI बाट प्रशिक्षक प्रशिक्षण तालिम (TOT) लिएको
  • कम्तिमा १ बर्ष तालिममा सहायक प्रशिक्षक भई काम गरेको 

This job has expired.

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